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How to start a Business in UAE Mainland?

BMS Auditing
How to start a Business in UAE Mainland?

I’ve been a business setup consultant for 11 years with BMS Auditing and assisted a range of companies to establish their businesses in UAE Mainland. The Mainland company formation process may look like a tedious task, but for experts, it’s not. Here, let me list out the business setup process for your understanding.

The process of setting up a mainland business in the UAE entails a number of steps, such as choosing a business activity, getting preliminary approval from the Department of Economic Development (DED), acquiring a trading name, renting an office, getting approvals from necessary authorities, and obtaining a business license.

Mainland Company Formation in Dubai, UAE

1. Determine the nature of the business activity

These are the economic licenses available in the UAE:

  • Occupational
  • Tourism
  • Industrial
  • Commercial
  • Agricultural
  • Professional

2. Determine the legal form of the business

Your business structure mainly depends on the requirements and determines the rules and regulations to be followed. click the link at the end to read what are the legal forms required.

3. Register the Trade Name

A trade name can be applied through the Department of Economic Development in the preferred emirate, either through the website, or a mobile Application, or in person.

4. Apply for initial approval

This approval is a ‘no objection’ from the UAE government towards a specific business established in the country.

5. Get MOA or LSA Business Forms

A Memorandum of Association (MOA) or LSA form is necessary when the business is from certain fields.

6. Choose the Business Location

Every business in the UAE must have a physical address for operations.

7. Apply for Other Government Approvals

In some cases, we need additional approvals from government departments controlling business activities.

8. Submit documents & collect the License

Submit all the licenses to the DED and obtain the required license

To read more about the document requirements, shifting Freezone company to a mainland business and other details, click the link below.

Mainland Business setup in UAE

BMS Corporate also offers Business setup services on Mainland, Offshore as well as UAE Free Zones along with document attestation services to make your company formation process smooth and easy.

BMS Auditing
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