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Upgrade Your Career in AI with IBM Artificial Intelligence Professional Certificate

Online Professional Courses
Upgrade Your Career in AI with IBM Artificial Intelligence Professional Certificate

Artificial intelligence is transforming the business world, and those who possess AI skills are highly in demand. By automating routine tasks and processes, AI increases productivity and enables faster decision-making. To help individuals acquire the skills needed to thrive in this rapidly evolving field, IBM has launched the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Professional Certificate Program.

What did you learn in IBM Artificial Intelligence Course?

With our course, you will gain a deep understanding of machine learning and neural networks. You will learn to build smart apps using IBM Watson services and take your first steps in the exciting world of chatbots. You will gain practical Python programming skills by creating and deploying AI-powered chatbots using Watson Assistant. Additionally, you will work on multiple Watson AI services, including Discovery, Speech to Text, Assistant, and Text Speech, to build AI applications.

The program also covers packaging and unit testing in Python, enabling you to create functions and unit tests, run the unit tests, and package all the files in a standard Python package. You will build a language translator in Python using Watson APIs and create web applications using Flask through a hands-on lab.

Purpose of IBM Artificial Intelligence (AI) Professional Certificate Program 

The IBM Artificial Intelligence (AI) Professional Certificate Program comprises six purposefully designed courses, taking you on a carefully defined learning journey. It is an instructor-led program with a fixed schedule, featuring live sessions aired at a set time. However, you will have time to complete certain activities at your own pace outside of the live sessions. Courses also include videos, hands-on labs, exercises, and knowledge checks.

After completing the IBM Certification Course, you will have a strong understanding of AI and AI terminology, practical knowledge of how IBM Watson works, the ability to visually create chatbots without needing code, competence in Python for AI and data science, the ability to carry out unit testing and create Python packages, the ability to create web applications using Flask, and practical knowledge of how to build interactive information retrieval systems.

IBM Artificial Intelligence Certification and Benefits of Completing the Program

The IBM Artificial Intelligence (AI) Professional Certificate Program suits learners with technical and non-technical backgrounds. It is specifically aimed at individuals keen to begin their career in artificial intelligence, college graduates looking to land their first AI job, and experienced developers seeking to upskill, enhance their AI knowledge, and participate in AI projects.

You will receive a PLU Certificate of Completion and an IBM Professional Certification upon completing the full program. Take advantage of this superb opportunity to showcase your AI development skills and launch your career in AI with the IBM Artificial Intelligence (AI) Professional Certificate Program.

Online Professional Courses
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