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Home décor Ideas You Must Know by International Home Designers

Lifeand More
Home décor Ideas You Must Know by International Home Designers

Building your own home is a rewarding process, but it can also be scary. Trying to strike the appropriate balance of form and function takes time and effort. You may live in a small space with limited space for spectacular (or security deposit-threatening) gestures. Or you may live in a house that is riddled with spatial anomalies that you have no idea how to address. 

We can work with anything you have and whatever style you have. In fact, we combed through our archives for the best practical home design ideas in the pages of ELLE design. Whether you want to freshen up your interior style, include trendy tiny touches, or pick the perfect paint color, designers have ideas for you. We've chosen a few home decor ideas below.

Hide standard technology

Do you despise the sight of your television? Place it in the cupboard! Architect Andre Herrero developed a steel fireplace surrounded by double doors to conceal the living room TV. "We were resourceful and took advantage of architectural quirks," Herrero recalls. 

Black should be used as a backdrop

Designer Patrick Mele says to paint the Upper East Side apartment walls black. This will create the ideal backdrop for an extensive art collection and enormous bursts of color elsewhere in the space.

Play with Natural Lights

If you're looking to create natural light in your home, you must take help from home décor experts since they guide how to do it using sunlight or making your home eco-friendly.

Access Tapestries

Think beyond oversized artwork to create a wow-worthy moment over your headboard. Todd Raymond used a giant tapestry as the main point of the bedroom in his New York apartment and made his room more royal.

Stuff old and new décor items

What happens when you mix old-world antiques with slick, modern touches? Immediately chic! For inspiration, go no further than designer Michelle R. Smith's beautiful idea- stuffing the best home decoration items. For instance, she paired a vintage crystal chandelier with a traditional Vitsoe storage unit.

Choose the perfect lighting fixtures

Light fixtures are frequently referred to as the "jewelry" of a home, so it's no surprise that they can add a wow factor to even the most staid of spaces when chosen intelligently. A tried-and-true option? Akari Lantern by Isamu Noguchi casts a soft glow while also serving as a light-as-air sculpture. In contrast, Alfredo Paredes incorporated the floating beauty into this cozy-yet-collected Vermont ski home.

Try Pattern

Don't be scared to mix prints and patterns. Ramsey Lyons, a home décor expert, mixed different pink designs for the sofa and chair upholstery and another for the curtain fabric in her Pittsburgh home's sunroom.

The Bottom Line

We hope that you have found our home décor ideas helpful. All these ideas came from famous international home designers who have created the standard. So, try to implement these and see your home with a new appearance. 

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