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Why Vagamon Is Famous In South India?

Why Vagamon Is Famous In South India?

Vagamon in Kerala is an ideal tourist destination for those seeking a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere amidst beautiful natural surroundings. The town offers a range of activities for visitors, including trekking, paragliding, rock climbing, and camping. Visitors can explore the tea plantations, stroll through the pine forests, visit the beautiful viewpoints, such as the Vagamon Kurisumala, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the waterfalls like the Vagamon Falls.

Overall, Vagamon in Kerala is a perfect destination for those looking for a relaxing and rejuvenating holiday amidst nature.

Vagamon is a popular destination for paragliding enthusiasts. The scenic beauty of the place, coupled with the moderate climate, make it an ideal location for this activity. Paragliding in Vagamon is a popular adventure activity for visitors seeking an adrenaline rush. The hill station’s moderate climate, rolling hills, and picturesque landscapes make it an ideal location for this activity. The paragliding experience in Vagamon usually lasts for around 20–30 minutes and offers a bird’s eye view of the surrounding hills, tea plantations, and forests.

Paragliding Spots: — Vagamon paragliding spot is located at the top of the hill near the Vagamon Meadows. The takeoff point for paragliding is situated at an altitude of around 1100 meters above sea level and offers panoramic views of the surrounding hills, valleys, and tea plantations. The landing point for paragliding is situated at the base of the hill, near the Vagamon Lake. The flight usually lasts for around 20–30 minutes, depending on the weather conditions.

Paragliding in Vagamon cost can vary depending on the season and the duration of the flight. Generally, it can range from around INR 3,000 to INR 4,500 per person.

To participate in paragliding in Vagamon, visitors should be in good physical health, should not have any medical conditions that could be aggravated by the activity, and should weigh between 40–100 kgs.

The best time for paragliding at Vagamon is between September and January when the weather is mild and pleasant, and the winds are favorable for flying.

Overall, paragliding in Vagamon is a thrilling adventure activity that offers a unique perspective of the scenic beauty of the hill station. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful landscapes, tea plantations, and forests from high up in the sky, making it an unforgettable experience.

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