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Skill Up! The Top Skills Required for Success in Indian Banking and Finance Jobs

Andrews Johnson

Are you dreaming of a career in banking and finance, but don’t know where to start? The Indian financial industry is constantly evolving, and so are the skills required to succeed in it. To stay ahead of the game, it’s essential to develop certain key abilities and attributes that will make you stand out among your peers. Join us as we explore the top skills needed for success in Indian banking and finance jobs, and discover how you can skill up for a fulfilling career in this dynamic sector!

Overview of Indian Banking and Financial Services Industry

The Indian banking and financial services industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. With a population of over 1.3 billion, India is the second most populous country in the world. The banking and financial services sector is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.5% from 2016 to 2021.

The Indian banking sector is highly regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which is the central bank of India. The RBI regulates the monetary policy, controls inflation, and supervises banks and financial institutions in India. The banking sector is also governed by various other laws and regulations, such as the Banking Regulation Act 1949, the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act 1961, etc.

The Indian banking sector can be broadly classified into two types of banks – scheduled commercial banks and non-scheduled commercial banks. Scheduled commercial banks are those which have been included in the Second Schedule of RBI Act 1934. As on March 31, 2020, there were 27 public sector banks, 31 private sector banks, 46 foreign banks, and 56 regional rural banks in India. Non-scheduled commercial banks are those which have not been included in the Second Schedule of RBI Act 1934. There were 915 non-scheduled commercial Banks in India as on March 31, 2019.

The Indian banking sector has undergone a massive transformation in recent years with the entry of new players, consolidation among existing players, and increasing use of technology. Some

The Core Skills Required for Success in Indian Banking and Finance Jobs

In India, the banking and finance sector is one of the most competitive industries. To be successful in this industry, you need to have a mix of hard and soft skills.

Hard skills are the technical skills that you need to perform your job. In the banking and finance sector, these would include financial analysis, accounting and auditing.

Soft skills, on the other hand, are people skills. They’re the skills that help you interact with others effectively. In the banking and finance sector, examples of soft skills include teamwork, communication and interpersonal skills.

  • Analytical Skills

Analytical skills are critical for success in banking and finance jobs in India. Strong analytical skills enable professionals to identify trends, spot opportunities and make sound decisions.

Banking and finance is a data-driven industry, and analysts play a pivotal role in deciphering this data to provide insights that help drive business decisions. As such, employers place a premium on analytical skills when recruiting for banking and finance roles.

Candidates with strong analytical skills can expect to be in high demand from Indian banks and financial institutions. These organisations are increasingly relying on data analytics to gain insights into customer behaviour, identify risks and spot new business opportunities.

To build your analytical skills, consider pursuing a course in financial modelling or undertaking an internship at a bank or financial institution. Alternatively, many online learning platforms offer courses that cover the basics of data analysis and statistical modelling.

  • Technical Knowledge & Computer literacy

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in the banking and finance sector. As the sector becomes more digitized, financial institutions are looking for candidates with strong technical skills and computer literacy.

Some of the top skills required for success in Indian banking and finance jobs include:

  1. Strong analytical skills: Banking and finance professionals need to be able to analyze large data sets to identify trends and patterns. They also need to be able to make sound decisions based on their analysis.
  2. Good communication skills: Financial professionals need to be able to communicate complex financial information clearly and concisely. They also need to be able to build relationships with clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders.
  3. team player: Working in the banking and finance sector is often done in teams. Therefore, it’s important that candidates have strong team-working skills. They should be able to collaborate effectively with others and contribute towards collective success.
  4. Technical skills: As mentioned earlier, the banking and finance sector is becoming increasingly digitized. Therefore, candidates need to have strong technical skills and be comfortable using various computer applications and software programs.
  • Communication Skills

Today, Indian banks are looking for more than just good academic credentials. They want individuals with a combination of both hard and soft skills.

Hard skills are those that can be quantified and are specific to the job at hand. For banking and finance jobs, these would include accounting, financial analysis, and risk management.

Soft skills, on the other hand, are harder to quantify but are no less important. Good communication skills are essential in any job, but they’re especially important in positions that involve dealing with clients or customers. Indian banks want employees who can build relationships, solve problems, and communicate effectively.

If you’re looking to enter the Indian banking or finance sector, start by honing your hard and soft skills. Doing so will make you a more competitive applicant and better equipped to succeed in your career.

  • Project & Time Management Skills

In order to be successful in an Indian banking and finance job, it is essential to have strong project and time management skills. Here are some tips to help you develop these skills:

  1. Understand the basics of project management: This includes understanding how to create and track milestones, manage risks and dependencies, and deliver a project on time and within budget.
  2. Be well-organized: This means being able to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and keep track of details.
  3. Have excellent communication skills: This includes being able to clearly communicate your ideas verbally and in writing.
  4. Be able to handle stress: This involves being able to stay calm under pressure and maintaining a positive attitude even when things get tough.

Specific Job Requirements

When it comes to finding a job in Indian banking and finance, there are certain skills that will put you ahead of the competition. Here are the top skills required for success in these industries:

  1. Strong analytical and numerical skills: In order to succeed in the banking and finance industries, you will need to be able to analyse data and make sound decisions based on your findings.
  2. Excellent communication skills: Being able to communicate effectively is essential in these industries, whether you’re dealing with clients or colleagues.
  3. A good understanding of financial products and services: It’s important to have a good understanding of the products and services offered by banks and other financial institutions in order to be able to advise clients properly.
  4. Good organisation and time management skills: With so much data to process and deadlines to meet, good organisation and time management skills are essential in these industries.
  5. The ability to work well under pressure: The banking and finance industries can be fast-paced and demanding, so it’s important to be able to work well under pressure.

How Professional Qualifications Will Help Your Career?

While a degree from a good university will always be seen as a valuable asset by employers, professional qualifications can help you stand out from the competition, especially if you don’t have a lot of work experience. They show that you’re serious about your career and have the skills to back it up.

There are many different professional qualifications available, but here are some of the most popular ones in banking and finance:

The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation is globally recognised and valued by employers. To earn it, you need to pass three exams covering topics such as accounting, economics, ethics, portfolio management and more.

The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation is also highly respected globally. To earn it, you need to pass four exams covering topics such as auditing, taxation, financial reporting and more.

The Financial Risk Manager (FRM) designation is another global qualification that is increasingly seen as essential for success in the financial sector. It covers topics such as risk management principles, quantitative analysis and financial markets and instruments.

With a professional qualification on your CV, you’ll be one step ahead of the competition when applying for banking and finance jobs in India.

Challenges You Might Face in the Indian Banking and Finance Sector

There are several challenges you might face in the Indian banking and finance sector. One of the biggest challenges is the high level of competition. With so many people wanting to get into this field, you’ll need to stand out from the crowd in order to get noticed. Another challenge is that the industry is constantly changing, so you’ll need to be able to keep up with the latest trends and developments. Additionally, you’ll need to have a good understanding of financial concepts and regulations in order to be successful in this field.


bsfi jobs for freshers in India require a range of different skills to achieve success. From the interpersonal skills needed to build relationships with clients, to understanding more complex financial concepts, it is essential that you have the necessary knowledge and ability to excel as a banking professional. We hope our list will help you identify which areas you should focus on when developing your skill set for banking roles in India and help in new grad oppurtunities, enabling you to make well-informed decisions about your career path.

Andrews Johnson
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