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Here’s How to Relieve Pain after Dental Cleaning Procedure

Dentistry of Orlando
Here’s How to Relieve Pain after Dental Cleaning Procedure

Dental exams are not painful. Especially if you have your teeth checked on a regular basis. But many people report feeling some pain after a deep dental cleaning. This can put them off from the procedure.

This is most unfortunate as dental cleaning helps fight periodontitis. This disease causes gums to pull away and teeth to fall out. It’s one of the biggest dental health issues affecting adults. A CDC report stated that about 47% of adults 30 years old and above have some form of periodontitis.

Dentists will tell you that you need to have regular dental cleaning. It’s one of the most effective ways to reverse periodontal disease in its early stages. But they will also admit that some patients can experience pain after the procedure. There are steps you can take to make it bearable. Here’s how to relieve pain after a dental cleaning.

It’s a good idea to talk to your health provider about your concerns. Many patients do have an abiding fear of dentists. Discussing the procedure beforehand and asking questions can help ease it. You can also ask your dentist for advice on what to expect.

It’s also best practice to tell your dentist of any pain you experience. They can take it as a warning and take a deeper examination. There are many reasons why someone has sensitive teeth. There’s also no reason to suffer after a cleaning. It’s why dentists suggest taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

There are also certain kinds of toothpaste that can help reduce the tenderness of the gums. Look for ones with potassium nitrate. These can lessen sensitivity and provide pain relief while your gums are healing.

Honey water is also a good option in this situation. Mix a teaspoon or two of honey in warm water. Drink it three times a day and the discomfort from the dental cleaning will go away. Honey can soothe away any sensitivity and pain.

Dentistry of Orlando
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