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Setup Your Printer with Brother Printer Support for Model Number MFCL2750DW | Printercusomsupport.com

Printer Customer Support
Setup Your Printer with Brother Printer Support for Model Number MFCL2750DW | Printercusomsupport.com

Setting up a Brother Printer model MFCL2750DW can be daunting if you’re new to printers and don’t have any experience. Fortunately, with the help of Brother printer support, you can get your printer set up in no time. This guide will outline the steps needed to setup your Brother Printer for Model Number MFCL2750DW. We'll guide you through connecting to a network and setting up the driver so that you can start printing right away!

Install Windows 10 built-in drivers

Connect your machine to your computer using a USB cord and power it on to install the driver. The built-in drivers will be immediately installed.


1. Select Start (All applications).


2. Select Windows System from the drop-down menu.


3. Navigate to the Control Panel.


4. Select View devices and printers from the drop-down menu.


5. Select Add Printer.


6. From the list, choose your Brother printer and then click next.


If your machine does not appear in the list, it is possible that it is not interacting with your computer. Check that your computer and machine are both linked to the same network.

To manually add your printer, follow these steps:


    a. Select the printer I need isn't displayed.

    b. Click next after selecting Add a printer using a TCP/IP address or hostname.


c. Enter the Brother machine's IP address in the Hostname or IP address field, then pick the Query the printer and automatically select the driver to use option.


d. Press the Next button.


Choose Brother from the Manufacturer list on the "Install the printer driver" screen. 


8. Select your printer model from the Printers list, then click next.


Note if your model is not displayed, select Windows Update. It will take a few minutes for the computer to connect to the Microsoft server and download the extra drivers. Your PC must have Internet access.


9. If a prior driver was previously installed, click Replace the existing driver, then Next.


10. We recommend leaving the printer name alone and clicking Next.


11. Select a sharing option and then click next. A network-connected printer, by definition, does not need to be shared because it is already linked to the network.


12. Once the driver has been installed, you will be notified.


    - You have the option of making your printer the default.

    - You have the option of printing a test page.

13. Press the Finish button.

If you’re facing any trouble with your printer, please contact to: https://www.printercustomsupport.com/brother-printers.html

Printer Customer Support
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