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What is the Metaverse? The future of the expanding virtual space

Sandy zakk
What is the Metaverse? The future of the expanding virtual space

The word metaverse is derived from “meta+verse”.

“Metaverse” is a coined word combining “meta” and “universe”, and was first used in Neil Stephenson’s novel “Snow Crash” published in 1992. I was.

In general, it refers to services such as 3D virtual spaces built online and games that use 3D virtual spaces. In addition, it is said that the forerunner of the Metaverse was an online game that was popular about 20 years ago, in which people freely enjoy life in a virtual space.

Why the Metaverse is attracting attention

According to Mr. Ogawa, there are “social factors” and “technical factors” behind the current focus on the Metaverse.

Social Factors

The reason why the Metaverse began to attract social attention was that Facebook changed its company name to Meta in 2021. What kind of future is Facebook envisioning for Metaverse, which has created a new society called “social network”? A lot of attention has been focused on Meta (formerly Facebook), which is trying to create a big wave.

In addition, although remote work has become commonplace in recent years, and various online meetings have become popular, there is always a demand for more intensive face-to-face communication. In the Metaverse, avatars (characters that appear on the screen as the user’s alter ego) can be used to simulate handshakes and other forms of communication, so it seems that they are also expected to play a role in compensating for the lack of communication due to the corona disaster.

Technical Factors

As for the technical factors behind the Metaverse’s attention, Mr. Ogawa says that compared to 20 years ago, when the online games that pioneered the Metaverse development company became popular, the communication environment has developed significantly, and hardware such as servers and personal computers has grown significantly. I will improve the specs.

For example, in terms of the communication environment, the communication speed between 20 years ago and now is 1 Mbps to 1 Gbps, a difference of more than 1,000 times. At the same time, stable system operation is possible even when many people are connected, and it is now possible to distribute rich content. Furthermore, with the advent of the 5th generation mobile communication system (5G) used for mobile phones, etc., it is possible to enter the Metaverse even when out of the office.

In addition, the spread of smartphones and VR devices is also one of the reasons why the Metaverse is attracting attention. Thanks to high-performance smartphones and highly functional yet lightweight VR devices, it has become possible to easily enjoy the world of the Metaverse.

Metaverse example

Let’s take a look at an actual example of what the Metaverse is like.

Famous artists live in the game

A virtual event was held in the online game, and popular singer-songwriters appeared as avatars using real images and performed songs. Users can use their avatar to “go out” to the live space that will be the venue, and the user (avatar) can enter and participate in the live space created by the world view of the artist and song, making it more immersive. It became a topic of conversation when it was possible to get a sense of it.

Furthermore, in the live space, the way the song is heard changes depending on the position of the avatar and the movement of the avatar (for example, the sound changes when facing right and facing left), so you can enjoy a feeling close to the real world. It seems that the ingenuity also attracted users.

work in the metaverse

With the spread of remote work, it has been pointed out that there is a lack of communication between employees. This is because we have lost the “casual exchanges” of exchanging greetings within the company and exchanging information during short breaks.

One of the solutions is the introduction of the metaverse. Use your avatar to go to a company in the Metaverse and hold a meeting. Various Metaverse platforms are appearing, such as Metaverse platforms that assume the use of VR headsets, platforms that allow participation from smartphones and personal computers, and platforms that are easy to link with business tools provided by the company.

For the spread of the Metaverse

Ogawa points out that although the Metaverse is being used more and more, there are still issues and hurdles to overcome before it becomes widespread.

physical and mental burden

First, there is the physical and mental burden. Mr. Ogawa himself has said that he has put on a VR headset on various occasions and entered the Metaverse space, but “VR sickness (a state similar to motion sickness due to images through the headset that upsets the sense of balance)” It seems that he often felt tired after leaving the space.

She also says, “In the future, when things become so real that it’s difficult to distinguish between reality and the Metaverse, people will become more socially withdrawn from the virtual world.”

Further technological evolution is required

Many of the VR headsets on the market today are considerably lighter than before, but further technological evolution is required to make it easier to experience. According to Mr. Ogawa, “It will be difficult to spread the use of eyeglasses unless they are as light as contact lenses and can be easily worn by everyone.”

Movement that spoils the image

Mr. Ogawa points out that fraudulent activities surrounding the Metaverse are also hindering its spread.

“For example, there are increasing cases of trying to sell digital art and virtual currency with expensive NFTs (non-fungible tokens/digital data with proof of ownership that cannot be forged) by combining them with the Metaverse. In that case, the image of the Metaverse as being shady may take hold.”

The Metaverse has great potential in terms of business, but we are still fumbling around. That’s why images are so important.

Do humans need the Metaverse?

In order for new technology to spread, it is important how many people want it and whether it becomes a “social demand”. For example, the Wright Brothers’ first successful flight was only 12 seconds long and about 36 meters long. It is not very practical, and many people have died in plane crashes since then.

Despite this, the development of airplanes progressed and became widespread because many people believed that the grand dream of flying in the sky, going fast and far would lead to the development of society, and society demanded the existence of airplanes. Automobiles and the Internet have also developed as they are required by society to create a new future.

“Compared to this technological and metaverse development, the Metaverse does not have many elements that many people and society want at the moment. We may need something like that.”

One hint for that is the future created by the Metaverse.

What kind of future can be created if the Metaverse spreads?

So, what kind of future can we create with the spread of the Metaverse?

A world where “immortality” is realized with avatars

One of the keywords often used when talking about the Metaverse is “immortality.” Mr. Ogawa said that although it would be difficult to realize in the real world, there are plenty of possibilities in the Metaverse.

“Thoughts and memories are extracted as data, and an avatar with the same personality as yourself is created in the Metaverse. As a result, even after your death, you can continue to live in the Metaverse as an avatar that can be said to be your alter ego.”

A utopia that reflects the ideals of each individual

In addition to immortality, another keyword that is often used when talking about the Metaverse is “utopia.” Mr. Ogawa says, “Utopia is a paradise-like image where the yearning for eternal life and the ideal life are realized.”

Utopia can be thought of as a world that reflects the aspirations and ideals of each individual, rather than a common world for all humankind. If you can create a world view and immersion based on your own ideals through the Metaverse, you may be able to find your own utopia.


A new technology will not spread unless many people want it. Also, the future will change greatly depending on what kind of business it is connected to. Mr. Ogawa said, “Currently, various efforts are being made in the Metaverse, but so far, no definitive ‘something’ that society demands has been found. However, the Metaverse has just begun. There are still plenty of possibilities and dreams.”

For those of you reading this article, what do you think about the Metaverse and its future? Expanding the possibilities of the Metaverse may depend on our values ​​and ideas.

Sandy zakk
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