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What is Teeth Whitening And How It Can Affect Your Teeth?

Global Learning
What is Teeth Whitening And How It Can Affect Your Teeth?

Over time, teeth can become discolored and stained from a variety of causes. These include food and drink, tobacco, genetics, age, medication, trauma, and environmental factors such as excessive fluoride.

Teeth whitening parsons TN is a way to brighten your smile by breaking up these stains and making them lighter in color. There are a number of different ways to achieve this, but the most effective is by using a bleaching product that contains either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

Teeth whitening can be done in the dentist's office or in the patient's own home. Your dental team will take impressions of your teeth for a custom-fitted mouth tray and supply you with a whitening gel that you use at home, in the trays, for 30 minutes to an hour a day.

The whitening process is very safe and should not cause any problems if you follow the correct instructions. The most common side effects are mild gum irritation and sensitivity, which will generally subside after a few days.

Your dentist will also give you information about how to maintain your new-found brightness, including the foods and drinks you should avoid for a few days after whitening, to help prevent further staining. You should continue to practice good oral hygiene, which includes brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day.

Stains on your teeth start out as superficial - and usually harmless - material that accumulates in the "pellicle" layer over your enamel. Over time, this pellicle layer becomes increasingly porous and allows staining material to work its way deeper into your teeth.

Deeper stains cannot be removed by brushing or flossing alone, so they need to be addressed with tooth-whitening products. Unlike superficial stains, which are often removed through the periodic polishing of your teeth, these stains are difficult to remove by ordinary cleaning techniques and need the use of a bleaching chemical to break them up.

When you visit your dentist for professional teeth whitening parsons tn treatment, your teeth will be professionally cleaned and your teeth will be protected with a special barrier that helps protect your enamel from damage from the bleaching agent. Your dentist may also apply a protective varnish to keep your teeth from becoming sensitive to the bleaching agent.

Once the whitening procedure is completed, you will need to use your whitening treatment for a few weeks, applying it on a regular basis to see results. The amount of time it takes to whiten depends on the type of whitening used and the level of staining.

During this period, you should not consume dark-colored foods and drinks, such as coffee, red wine, tea, or curry, as these may compromise the effectiveness of your whitening treatment. This is because the whitening agent dehydrates your teeth, making them more susceptible to staining from these substances with tooth extraction parsons TN.

The end result of your whitening treatment should be several shades whiter than your natural tooth color. The shade guide that your dentist will use will indicate how many shades the whitening treatment has lightened your teeth. This ranges from two to seven shades and is dependent on the type of whitening used and the amount of staining.

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