Gluten Free Diet India
India has seen a surge in the demand for gluten-free products, as more and more people are adopting a gluten-free dietary lifestyle in the country. Gluten-free diet eliminates wheat, barley and rye, but not necessarily all grains as there are many grains available which are gluten-free. Indian gluten-free lifestyle is gaining a foothold as many Indians take up this lifestyle as a part of a healthy diet.
The main reason for the change in dietary habits is due to the increasing awareness about the health benefits of a gluten-free diet. A gluten-free diet is known to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and even lose weight -all of which are attractive goals for those looking to improve their health.
The presence of a large number of gluten-free products in India has made it easy for people to follow a gluten-free diet. With a variety of gluten-free products available in the market ranging from snacks, cookies, pastas, breads and other food items, it is easy to play around with recipes and find alternatives for foods which might contain gluten.
There are also gluten-free restaurants in India which serve gluten-free food as well as cater to the needs of those aiming for a gluten-free lifestyle. This makes it easier for people to continue with this diet even when dining out. There are also online stores that sell gluten-free products.
These stores provide an opportunity for people to find the gluten-free products they need for their diet with just a few clicks. With more and more people opting for gluten-free diet, the demand for gluten-free products in India is sure to continue to rise over the coming years.
Gluten Free Products in India
Now that India has started maintaining a gluten-free lifestyle, many people have been left puzzled as to what type of foods they should eat in order to stay true to their gluten-free diet. Fret not, here is some help.
A regular gluten-free diet in India should consist of foods such as quinoa, chia, amaranth, sorghum, buckwheat, flour, oats and certain kinds of rice. Other gluten-free foods include fruits and vegetables, meats, seafood, eggs, dairy products, fats, herbs and spices.
It is also important to stay aware of the other grain-based products which might contain traces of gluten, like soy sauce, malt vinegar and miso. For those who cannot stay away from pasta, there are also gluten-free pastas and noodles available in the market.
Fruits and vegetables are, of course, gluten-free and form the basis of any healthy balanced diet. There are also gluten-free pastries, cakes, and other treats available to cater to those looking for something sweet.
Gluten Free Shopping India
Shifting to a gluten-free lifestyle can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to grocery shopping and meal preparation. However, there are many ways to make this easier.
Firstly, it is important to read labels and avoid foods that contain gluten. This means avoiding items like wheat, barley, rye and oats that have been processed in such a way that makes them contain gluten.
Secondly, it is important to understand the ingredients of the food that are being consumed as many foods like soups and sauces may contain gluten. It is also important to look for symbols/certifications on the food packaging that indicate that the product is gluten-free.
Thirdly, it is important to check the source of the ingredients and make sure that they are indeed gluten-free. Many sources of raw ingredients like wheat, barley and rye may be questionable, and therefore, it is important to make sure these items are sourced carefully.
Finally, it is important to check in with the local health food stores as they usually carry a wide range of gluten-free items. This will help to make sure all bases are covered.
Shifting to a gluten-free lifestyle can be challenging, though with a bit of effort, it is definitely possible. With the increasing awareness about the health benefits of a gluten-free diet, the demand for gluten-free items in India is sure to increase over the coming years. Therefore, it is just a matter of time before more and more stores cater to this new dietary lifestyle. Get Gluten Free Products in India.