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Social Amenities in New Lahore City

Sidra Malik
Social Amenities in New Lahore City

Public Transport

New Lahore City has one of the most comprehensive public transportation systems in the world. The public transport includes a modern metro system, express and local buses, cabs, Uber, Careem, and bike share systems. The metro lines connect all major hubs across the city, such as the airport, the industrial and commercial zones, and the residential areas. The metro system is constantly expanding in order to offer more comfortable and efficient service. The express and local buses are also being upgraded with advanced features such as air-conditioning, Wi-Fi, and monitoring systems.

Bicycles are a popular form of transportation in the city, with dedicated lanes in many areas. There is also a bike-sharing system that provides access to bicycles at designated hubs for short-term use. Several bike rental companies are also operating in the city, with various vehicles to suit different needs.

For those looking for a more comfortable ride, there are several ride-hailing apps such as Uber, Careem, and local services. They provide a convenient and safe way to get around the city quickly and affordably. The drivers are usually well-trained and friendly and can be tracked via the apps.

Shopping Centers

New Lahore City is a shopper's paradise, with plenty of shopping options to choose from. From small local shops to large international retail outlets, the city offers a wide variety of shopping experiences. The main shopping areas are in the Gulberg and Johar Town neighborhoods, where you can find modern shopping malls such as Emporium Mall and Mall of Lahore.

These malls have multiple stores featuring top international brands and local brands. Many of these stores also offer discounts and other promotions. In addition to the malls, many street markets, such as the famous Anarkali Bazaar, offer traditional products at competitive prices.

For shoppers looking for a more unique shopping experience, the city also has a number of specialized markets such as the Lahore Video Market. This is a great place to find video games, movies and TV shows, as well as rare and hard-to-find items.

There are also particular markets dedicated to specific products such as crafts and jewelry. These markets offer a wide selection of handmade items and unique pieces at reasonable prices. For those looking for outdoor items, the city is home to the famous Hafeez Center, which is one of the biggest outdoor and outdoor sports supply stores in the country.

Sidra Malik
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