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Steps to Take After Accident and Compensation Available in Personal Injury Claims

Carriek Walker
Steps to Take After Accident and Compensation Available in Personal Injury Claims

After an accident, there are a few certain important steps you must take to safeguard your legal rights and improve the result of your claim.

  • Call 911: If you or anybody else is critically hurt in the collision, you should phone 911 immediately. If the police do not arrive, contact your local law enforcement agency to file a report and document the accident's circumstances.
  • Seek immediate medical care: It is critical to seek medical attention and treatment following an accident, both for your own health and to document your injuries. You should still consult a doctor even if you don't believe you've been hurt because some symptoms may not appear for days or even weeks after an event.
  • Get pertinent information from the scene of the accident: You should collect as much evidence from the accident scene as possible. This includes taking images, obtaining the names and addresses of all parties and witnesses, and reporting the occurrence. These critical details will serve as crucial proof for your case.
  • Hire a top-rated personal injury attorney: Insurance companies train their adjusters to contact accident victims as quickly as possible after an accident before they have time to speak with an attorney. Speaking to an insurance adjuster without the presence of a lawyer can impact your case because you might inadvertently give them information that hurts your case. 

When you are injured in an accident and unable to work, your medical fees and other life expenditures can quickly add up. Although the at-fault party's insurance carrier is aware that they must compensate you for your losses, they will go to whatever length to settle your claim for as little as possible. You need a top rated personal injury attorney on your side to advocate for you and guarantee you receive the full amount of damages you deserve.

Depending on the specific facts of your case, you may be entitled to monetary damages for:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Loss of wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional and mental trauma 
  • Loss of consortium
  • Any out-of-pocket expenses related to the accident

Carriek Walker
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