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10 Useful Tips To Know Before Buying A Ruby Stone

James Kent
10 Useful Tips To Know Before Buying A Ruby Stone

Ruby Gemstone is a highly coveted stone that looks every inch regal in its prominent red color and striking beauty. The stone’s exquisite beauty along with its benefits makes it one of the most unique stones. Right from the royal era till today, the stone enjoys huge popularity among classes and masses.

The stone’s popularity is vast and varied- thanks to its versatile benefits in terms of aesthetic superiority, durability, and metaphysical properties. It makes the stone appealing to jewelry shoppers, gemstone enthusiasts and collectors, crystal healers, and fashion-forward people with refined aesthetic tastes. 

If you want to buy ruby stone for yourself or your loved ones, then there are some things to be considered to make the best purchase. We have compiled a list of curated tips that will help you buy the best ruby stone at the right prices and get the best value for your money.

Buy pigeon blood color for exquisite looks

Color plays a key role in determining the value of a stone. Among other shades, the rubies with pigeon blood color are considered to be the most beautiful.

You will certainly have to pay a higher cost to buy it but the stone’s beauty justifies every single dollar you pay for it. 

So, if you will not settle for anything less than the best and are ready to pay the premium price tag, then Pigeon Blood Ruby is the right choice for you.

Best Option for Budget-conscious shoppers

For budget-conscious people who are looking for fairly priced rubies but don’t want to compromise much in terms of beauty, the stones with purple or orange overtones can be the right option. However, you need to be careful while buying this ruby to make sure that it matches the required beauty standards in terms of color. 

Look for the intensity of the red color. Too much intensity indicates that the stone may have been treated while the very light pinkish-red shade may be another stone of lesser value like pink sapphires. So always look for a balanced, medium-intensity of red color without any extremes on the dark or light side. 

This type of ruby has a slight purple tinge to it. Make sure that the tinge syncs well with the overall color scheme of the stone and perfectly compliments the primary color.

Finding the right cut of ruby

Ruby is available in a variety of cuts but tabular hexagonal-shaped ruby is highly popular among niche jewelry shoppers with more refined taste.

Hexagonal cuts perfectly highlight the aesthetic aspects of the stone from different angles. Be informed however that such cuts are generally heavier than other cuts and thus command higher prices apart from being a bit bulky in looks and feel. That is why most jewelry lovers love to buy rubies with cushion, round, and oval shapes as they are relatively less expensive and easily sync with any outfit while giving a delicate sleek look. 

Apart from that there are other cuts with unique characteristics and appeal like triangular facets, heart, pear, octagon, step-cut pavilion, or magnificent square but you may need to pay more for that. While the faceted shapes involve waste of the stone during the process, the Cabochon is a unique shape that involves minimum wastage due to its shape that doesn’t have complex facets.

Transparency affects ruby’s price

High clarity and lack of flaws play a vital role in increasing the value and price of the ruby. Though a largely transparent stone, rubies do come with some inclusions which are generally not visible but affect the level of transparency. The ruby’s price reduces with the transparency. So hold the ruby stone against a source of light to carefully check the transparency level before buying it. It will help you to buy high-quality stones or negotiate the price.

Check for Durability

As a precious stone, the durability of ruby matters the most. Being a hard stone, the ruby generally enjoys good durability. However, some factors may significantly affect its original durability. So carefully inspect the stone for any surface cracks. These cracks not only expose ruby to wear and tear but even reduce its metaphysical properties which effectively make them worthless if you are solely buying it for its spiritual characteristics. 

The importance of precision for metaphysical use

If you are purchasing a ruby stone for metaphysical benefits, then precision and accuracy play a key role. So, it is not enough to verbally ask your crystal healer or spiritual healer about the stone’s color, shape, etc. 

It is recommended to ask them to specify each characteristic requirement on the paper using the right technical/industry terms. It should contain the exact color like pigeon blood, etc., precise weight in carats, accurate shape, etc. It will help you buy the stone that works best for you.

Getting the best price

While it is true that ruby gemstone is more expensive, it is important to know the right ways to get the best deal without compromising on quality. 

Avoid visiting high-end jewelry stores as they don’t only charge for the stone but may also add their running expenses like staff salary, commercial utility bills, rent, etc. which significantly adds to the price. 

If you are good at negotiating prices then find out and visit your local gemstone market where you can get the best stones at relatively more economical prices provided that you have the right negotiation and inspection skills to make sure you are getting authentic stones at most reasonable prices.

Consider buying Ruby Gemstones online

If you want to buy a good quality stone at economical prices but lack the right negotiation skills or required time then you can compare ruby’s prices online.

As the number of people who prefer to buy gemstones online is increasing, more and more online stores are being introduced but you need to be careful to save yourself from being cheated. 

Look for the ruby’s prices on different reputed online gemstone sellers. Based on the same, shortlist up to 5 stores and ask them for their best quotes. Remember, it is always best to contact them over the phone to find out if there is any opportunity to get extra discounts. 

Also, it is recommended to check the credentials, records, and customer reviews of these stores to make sure that they are trustworthy. Based on the final quotes you can select the right seller offering you the best combination of cost and quality. 

Carefully check the stone’s authenticity

It is not uncommon to get cheated by scammers who may sell you synthetic rubies at high prices. So, carefully check the authenticity of the stone. While there are several telltale characteristics to determine the stone’s authenticity, it is always best to ask for a certificate of authenticity from a reputable organization.

Know about the benefits of Ruby Gemstones

If you are buying ruby stone for its metaphysical benefits then here are some things to know. Here are some key benefits of Ruby Gemstone.

Ruby calms down the stressed mind and reduces chronic pain or anxiety.

The stone also detoxifies the body and keeps it free from diseases and infections. It also helps in reducing fatigue by increasing the energy levels. 

Ruby gemstone is used for preventing anemia as it is considered to increase and purify the blood. On the emotional level, it increases mental clarity and helps a person to choose the right option out of several choices. The stone also increases concentration power which is required for both worldly and spiritual progress.


Ruby Gemstone is one of the most popular stones that is associated with beauty, passion, power, and royalty. No wonder the stone is the preferred stone for shoppers, dealers, and Wholesale gemstone Suppliers.

If you are buying a ruby stone then it is best to keep in mind several things to help you purchase the authentic stone from the right sellers at the right prices. In this blog, we mentioned some tips on how to buy ruby gemstones. Based on this blog you can create a checklist to consider when you make your next purchase.

James Kent
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