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6 Signs Your Pool Pump Needs Repair: Don't Ignore These Red Flags!

Dolphin Pools

Pool repairs melbourne

If you've ever experienced a pool pump breakdown, you know it can be a serious inconvenience. It's also expensive to replace and sometimes impossible to get parts for a particular model. So what should you do if your pool pump is acting up? Here are some signs that your pool pump needs repair: See our troubleshooting page for more details.

Don't Ignore These Red Flags! A pool pump is one of the most expensive parts in a pool. It's also the part that operates most frequently, so it's important to pay attention to what it's doing and take action before your pump fails. Here are some warning signs that your Pool repairs Melbourne and get it treated.

1. Weak or Insufficient Water Flow

If your pool pump isn't moving enough water, it will not be able to keep up with the demands of the filter and pool. You may be noticing that some areas of your swimming pool are low or high in water level due to insufficient flow from the pump. If this is happening, then you should first make sure that there aren't any other issues causing it—such as a bad gas line or broken fittings on one of your hoses—before calling us for help!

But what does "not enough" mean? Well, if you have a large capacity pool (one with an area larger than 20x20ft), then it would take approximately 2 hours for all sections within its boundaries (including those areas below 100 feet) to fill up completely with water; this means that even if all sections were filled manually through hand pumps like mine do every day at noon when I'm there checking things out before heading home again shortly thereafter just before sunset time comes around every night which happens every night except Sundays when no one likes going into work because they don't want anything interrupting their fun activities such as hanging out around some sort of place called "work" where people go during lunch breaks between classes taught by teachers known everywhere under names.

Read More: Expert Pool Repairs Melbourne

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2. Loud or Unusual Noises

Noisy or unusual noises coming from your pool pump can be a warning sign that something's wrong. However, it doesn't necessarily mean there's a problem with the pump itself. Some of these symptoms may include:

  • A loud squeaking sound when you turn on the power to start up your pool pump
  • An increase in how much water is being pumped out of the pool (this could happen if something has broken inside)

3. Excessive Pool Pump Priming

If you notice your pool pump priming more often than normal, it could be a sign that the pump needs repair. Priming is when the pump kicks on and empties out the water from your pool so that it can start working again. The amount of time it takes for your pool to prime itself depends on a variety of factors including:

  • Clog in either one of these areas (pool filter or skimmer)
  • Clog in some other area such as an air line leading into the filter system
  • Filtration system damaged due to wear and tear

More About Pool Products Pools and Spas are an investment. Keeping your pool clean and clear of debris is essential to its proper operation and health, ensuring that you have a healthy family swimming pool for years to come. When properly maintained, the water in your home is also helping protect your family from harmful chemicals such as chlorine (which can damage skin) and other contaminants such as lead, pesticides, bacteria, viruses and more. Our products are designed for all types of pools including in-ground, above ground or fiberglass pools. We carry everything you need to keep your pool looking great!

4. Leaking or Pool Pump Wetness

When your pool pump stops working properly, it's important to know what type of leak you're dealing with. A pool pump can have one of three main types of leaks: water, oil or air. Each has its own set of causes and potential fixes, so it's important that you take note when any kind of wetness appears in your filter intake area (this could be caused by either a broken seal or a clogged filter).

If the leak isn't immediately apparent upon inspection and testing, get someone else to check out your equipment before taking action yourself—you might need the help of an expert pool service Melbourne with this process if there are multiple leaks!

Pool repairs melbourne

5. Inconsistent Pool Water Pressure

If your pool pump isn't able to handle the water pressure, it's time for repair. The best way to know if this is true is by taking a look at how much water pressure your pump can handle. You should be able to see that the pool pump has been working consistently and efficiently over time, but if you notice any sudden fluctuations in its performance, there may be an issue with it that needs addressing immediately.

6. Excessive Energy Consumption

Excessive energy consumption is a sign that your pool pump isn't working properly. However, there are several other signs of an inefficient pump as well. For example, if you notice high electricity bills or excessive heat buildup in your house when the sun goes down and you're not using your pool pump at all (or very little), this could be another indication that something's wrong with it.

You can also check for excessive noise from the motor itself by listening for vibrations or squeaks during operation—if they're present, then something's definitely amiss!


If you’re noticing any of the 6 signs above, it’s time to get your pool pump checked out! Luckily, most of these are easy fixes that can be done by a homeowner with a few tools and know-how. With just a little attention, you can avoid potential problems in the future. Check out the latest in pool repairs Melbourne services from experts and save your pool.

Source: https://pool-pump-repair.blogspot.com/2023/06/6-signs-your-pool-pump-needs-repair.html

Dolphin Pools
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