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Develop a Money Manager and Financial Tracking App Like Mint

kody Technolab
Develop a Money Manager and Financial Tracking App Like Mint

It is a human tendency to make frequent unaccounted small expenses. It isn’t easy to keep track of such an outflow of cash, but when these expenses are aggregated, it turns out to be a massive amount. The recurrent spending habit eventually leads to spending more than you would have planned. Therefore, using a financial tool that gives you a 360-degree view of your cash in-flow and outflow is advisable.

A glance into your finances will clarify things and might compel you to change your financial behavior for the better. One of the finest money managers and financial tracker app developers is Mint. Mint is a free budgeting app trusted by almost 20 million users. It syncs all bank accounts and credit cards and offers an easy, efficient way to manage money.

The Mint app is a part of Intuit but was developed first by Aaron Patzer. In 2009, Intuit bought the company for $170 million and induced changes in the app. The Mint personal finance application is available for free on iOS, Android, Macintosh, and Windows devices.

A personal finance app allows us to take care of finances, which include cash investment, cash saving, cash budgeting, etc. Well, in our opinion, it is the need of the hour to develop a money manager and financial tracker app that can help us (users) improve our financial well-being.

If you are planning to develop an expense manager app like Mint, we are ready to help you. In this article, we will discuss the ins and outs of Mint and assist you in making an app like Mint.

Why do you need to develop a financial tracking app?

If you look at history, finance apps have time-traveled from desktops to smartphones. Quicken was the first on the list, followed by many popular apps like Personal Capital, GoodBudget, Wally, WalletHub, Toshl Finance, Qapital, etc. All these apps help in being financially secure and address any financial issues.

Talking about the rising market demand,

Statista states that most people under the age of 30 in the UK use any one of the financial apps to manage expenses. Almost 26% of the entire world’s population is under 15 years of age. This means you can target the younger audience and serve them for their benefit.

The finance tracker app market looks lucrative, and it has become vital to opt for developing budget tracker & planner apps like Mint.

Additionally, the Covid 19 havoc disturbed the personal as well as the global economic equation. The instability in the overall economic scenario made people realize the importance of planning and managing their expenditures. The savings rate during this pandemic situation surged to 33%, and it is expected that people will make deliberated money-expense decisions in the future.

Another reason why you should build a money management and financial tracker app is, even traditional banks like Ally Mobile wish to enter the market. Bank-specific financial apps have either one or the other feature that assists users in tracking expenses. This means, if you become an early entrant, you can instantly grab popularity.

Cryptocurrency is soon becoming the talk of the town. And apps like Mint allow their users to manage their crypto wallets and track their balances.

You should also develop a money manager and financial tracker app because people want to feed themselves with financial knowledge and budgeting solutions. These people may resort to online apps that can serve as a guide for their financial decisions.

kody Technolab
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