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Why do you need an International Trademark Registration Service?

Global Vision
Why do you need an International Trademark Registration Service?

The international trademark registration process often uses a single application to register a trademark in different countries. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) report states that nearly 64,378 international trademark applications were filed for 2020, which is a 6.6% growth compared to 2019. Hence, the demand for International trademark registration services is growing as it helps businesses with legal protection to trademark worldwide.

Reasons why you need the international trademark registration service

These services are making it easier for businesses to protect their brand reputation and prevent infringement in the global market. Choosing an International trademark registration service can offer your business many ways in order to protect your trademark across the globe. Let's find out the potential reasons why you need professional services for international trademark registration.

  • Prevents infringement

Issues like trademark infringement can have a negative impact on businesses. Hence, choosing the services for international trademark registration can help to prevent infringement by offering legal protection to your business in different countries. It means that you can take legal actions to prevent infringement.

·        Protection in different countries

A business can register its trademarks with a single application in different countries by choosing the right support from an International trademark registration service. It is one of the cost-efficient and effective ways to protect your business trademarks across the globe, as you do not require filing applications separately for each country.

·        Enhances brand reputation

You can enhance your brand reputation by registering a trademark in different countries. Choosing such a service can help to send a message to customers that your business is committed to excellence and quality, as well as serious about protecting its services or products and brand. 

·        Competitive advantage

Choosing an International trademark registration service can help your business to receive a competitive advantage in the global market. When your business has a registered trademark, you can prevent other competitors from using the same kind of trademark, which can help to establish a strong brand identity and ensure your business stands out from the competition.

Apart from that, choosing services for International trademark registration can also assist your business in giving protection from counterfeit products, facilitating franchising and licensing, and simplifying international trade.


Overall, choosing an international trademark registration service can be the right choice for your business as it can assist in protecting your trademarks globally. It is the essential step for businesses that want to establish a powerful and strong brand identity and expand their business operation in the global market.

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