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Tips for finding the cheapest flights from Delhi to Mumbai

One Click Travel
Tips for finding the cheapest flights from Delhi to Mumbai

Travel the Smart Way from Delhi to Mumbai: Tips for Finding the Cheapest Flights

Traveling from Delhi to Mumbai can be a fun and exciting trip. However, the cost of flight tickets can often be a huge deterrent for many travelers. With the increasing demand for flights between these two cities, flight prices can sometimes skyrocket, making it difficult for frequent flyers to maintain their budget. But fear not! Here are some tips to help you find the cheapest flights from Delhi to Mumbai.

1. Book Your Tickets in Advance

Booking your tickets in advance is one of the most effective ways to get yourself the cheapest flights from Delhi to Mumbai. Typically, flight prices increase as the departure date gets closer. Therefore, if you know that you’ll be traveling in the near future, it's advisable to book your tickets at least 2–3 weeks prior to your departure date to get the best deals. You can also monitor the prices of airline websites, which will allow you to grab the best deals before they’re sold out. Alternatively, consider signing up for airline newsletters or fare alert notifications so that you will be notified when cheap tickets become available.

2. Be Flexible with Your Travel Dates

Airlines offer cheaper rates on days that are less popular due to low demand. If your schedule allows, be flexible with your travel dates. Try choosing flights that depart or arrive on weekdays rather than weekends or holiday seasons, as prices tend to be much higher during peak days. Similarly, flights scheduled in the early morning or late evening are often cheaper than those scheduled during the daytime. Keep in mind that the cheapest days may not always be the most convenient for everyone, so consider your options before making your decision.

3. Compare Prices on Different Airlines

Another important tip to help you find the cheapest flights is to compare prices on different airline websites. Conduct thorough research of all the available airlines that offer services between Delhi and Mumbai to find out which airlines offer the best prices. Compare essential factors such as departure and arrival times, the duration of the flight, and any extra fees included before making your decision.

4. Use Discount Coupons, Promo Codes, and Loyalty Points

Many airlines offer discount coupons, promo codes, and loyalty rewards that can save you a significant amount of money on your flight tickets. Consider the option of booking your flights with these coupons or codes to slash the cost of your airfare. You can also use your loyalty points to purchase airline tickets or reduce the overall cost of your ticket. Make sure you research the validity of these coupons and codes before using them and read all the terms and conditions thoroughly.

5. Avoid Extra Fees

Extra fees can significantly impact the overall price of your flight tickets. Be mindful of all the extra fees, including baggage fees, cancellation fees, booking fees, and passport or visa fees. Before booking your tickets, check the terms and conditions carefully to avoid any hidden fees and additional charges. In some cases, it may also be wise to forgo the meal options and bring your own snacks to save on extra costs.

6. Book Connecting Flights

If you're traveling on a budget, consider taking connecting flights rather than direct flights. It may take more time to reach your destination with connecting flights, but it can be way cheaper than choosing a direct flight. Keep in mind that connecting flights might also have some time restrictions or flight delays, so you need to plan your itinerary accordingly.

7. Consider Alternative Airports

When traveling on a budget, it's essential to consider all your options. One of the best ways to find the cheapest flights from Delhi to Mumbai is by considering alternative airports. For example, instead of flying into Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, you can choose to fly into Mumbai’s secondary airport like the Juhu Aerodrome or Mumbai’s Domestic Terminal which is less busy compared to the international airport. By doing so, you may save a lot of money on your ticket price.


By following the tips mentioned above, you can save a significant amount of money on your flight tickets from Delhi to Mumbai. Remember to book your tickets in advance, be flexible with your travel dates, compare prices on different airlines, use discount coupons and loyalty points, avoid extra fees, book connecting flights, and consider alternative airports. By keeping these points in mind, you can travel smartly and frugally and make the best use of the airlines' services while staying within your budget.

One Click Travel
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