PTE Summarize Written Text
In the PTE academic exam, the Summarize Written Text task assesses your ability to comprehend and summarize an academic text in a single sentence. In this task, you will be presented with a written passage of up to 300 words and you have to encapsulate the main idea of the passage in a single sentence of 5 to 75 words.
Here are some tips to help you ace the Summarize Written Text task in PTE:
Read and Understand the Passage Thoroughly
Before starting to write the summary, make sure you read the passage carefully and understand the central idea. Pay attention to the introduction, conclusion, and other significant paragraphs. Try to get a grasp of the essential context and supporting information in the passage.
Identify the Main Idea and Supporting Points
After analyzing the passage, identify the main idea and other key supporting points. You must summarize the passage's central idea by focusing on the main argument rather than the examples used to support it.
Use Precise, Simple, and Grammatically Correct Language
Your summary should be grammatically correct, well-structured, and use precise and concise language. Avoid using complex or technical words that may obscure your summary and make it difficult to understand. However, be careful not to oversimplify your summary to the point where it loses its meaning.
A Qualifying Summary Length
Your summary should be just one sentence, so make sure it is within the 5 – 75 word limit. Only the first summary you write will be considered, so ensure that you stay within the word limit and meet the requirements.
Paraphrase if Required
If the passage uses complex sentences or technical terms, you may have to paraphrase them to create an effective summary. This process involves rewriting the sentence using simpler language and structure while preserving the main idea.
Proofread Your Summary Carefully
After finishing the summary, carefully proofread your work for errors. Check for grammatical errors, missing words, improper sentence structure, and punctuation errors.
Use the Summarize Written Text Template
If you're struggling to generate a summary from scratch, the Summarize Written Text Template provided by PTE Academic can assist you. Simply fill in the blanks and structure your summary by following the example.
In conclusion, the PTE Summarize Written Text task assesses your ability to read, comprehend, and summarize academic texts in a single sentence. To perform well on this task, carefully read and analyze the passage, identify the main idea, use simple and precise language, keep within the word limit, paraphrase if required, proofread your work carefully, and use the available template sparingly. With these tips, you can confidently take on the PTE Summarize Written Text task and achieve the score you desire.