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Summarize Written Text | PTE Write Essay

Summarize Written Text | PTE Write Essay

The first writing task in PTE Writing is Summarize Written Text, in which you must summarize a paragraph. The second PTE writing task is Write Essay, in which you must write an essay on any topic you choose. As far as the Summarize Written Text questions are concerned, they can cover a wide range of subjects including science, nature, history and social issues, while the PTE Write Essay topics seem to be more socially based. In the essay topics, you're asked to argue one side of the issue and to provide a lot of examples to support that viewpoint. For this writing task, you need to follow a structure of an introduction, body and conclusion. You can write the essay using your own experience and provide examples from your life. A summarize written text question tests your ability to summarize a large piece of text into a concise sentence that captures the main idea and supporting clauses of the text.

It is important that you follow specific word limits for both tasks. If you do not do so, your response may not be evaluated. For more details on how this is scored, please refer to the official PTE website. On Edutrainex blog posts, we have also explained the scoring criteria in detail, so you are able to better understand the Summarize Written Text questions and PTE Write Essay questions. As with the Summarize Written Task, there is a maximum of ten minutes per question and that time cannot be carried forward to others. The PTE Write Essay questions have a fixed time of twenty minutes per question, and you must use the entire time only for the essay questions.

The Summarize Written Text question requires strong English language skills, particularly grammar. You should be able to convey the essence of what was discussed in a paragraph even though you have to write just one sentence. You should not simply copy and paste from the text, but rather you should write in your own words to demonstrate your command of English. You can use Edutrainex's Summarize Written Text template if you are unable to do so. These templates are designed for both weaker and stronger students, so you can choose the template that best suits your needs. When answering PTE Write Essay questions, you must also use your own words, and you should demonstrate sound grammar skills, spelling skills, and vocabulary skills. You can use the Edutrainex templates for PTE Write Essay questions if you struggle to write a good structure for the essay questions. In addition to providing a superb structure, these templates are designed to demonstrate good written discourse and coherence. Our templates include readymade ones where you just need to enter a few keywords and they're done. You must still fill in the gaps in the template with about twenty percent of the essay.

For the Writing tasks, it is important to have your responses checked by an English expert. When you do this activity regularly, you will be able to identify your weak points and how you can improve them. We provide feedback for each student individually, and you are able to talk to our tutors to resolve your questions regarding the PTE Write Essay questions. Our Summarize Written Text feedbacks are tailored to meet PTE scoring requirements and will point out any errors you have committed. When students follow our guidelines, they get better results on the writing topics. You can reach out to us if you need help with the Summarize Written Text or the PTE Write Essay tasks. You will build your basic grammar skills, improve your spelling and vocabulary, and we will provide you with the structure and template of each PTE Exam task as part of our training. Edutrainex blog posts and videos on Youtube can help you learn all the PTE exam tasks and improve your score the next time you take it. We provide high quality tips, tricks, and practice questions that are designed according to the real PTE exam specifications.

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