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What Foods To Avoid If You Have PKD?

Ayurvedic Kidney Care
What Foods To Avoid If You Have PKD?

PKD treatment are the vital organ of our body responsible for keeping up the proper balance of nutrients. They filter toxins and additional water from the blood and balance salts and minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium throughout the blood. 

Patient with Kidney problems like PKD has varied dietary requirements depending upon their body weight, lifestyle habits, and other health issues like hypertension or diabetes. So, when it comes to kidney cyst treatment in ayurveda, diet is the crucial factor that the Doctor gives first advice on.

If you are suffering from Polycystic Kidney Ayurvedic treatment in UAE, then reach out to the best Ayurveda doctors in Karma Ayurveda. The treatment will be given to patients with the ancient ayurvedic treatment method. 

This blog will shed some light on several critical nutritional considerations according to the PKD stage. 



Diet for Early Stages (1-3) of PKD

Patients occupied with PKD ask Doctor what diet they are required to follow. However, these common queries erupted after the Doctor diagnosed the patients with PKD. Since it is necessary to encounter a few of the problems. Several foods that a doctor advises to do for PKD patients are as follows - 

  • Consume a lot of water - PKD patients should drink atleast 3 litres per day to decrease the level of Kidney stones. Also, drinking a lot of water may stop the growth of cysts.
  • Limit Sodium - Excessive salt consumption relates to high blood pressure and a glomerular filteration rate (GFR) shrink. Hence, it is advisable to restrict the intake of salt in foods. 
  • Eat a fair amount of protein - The amount of protein a person with PKD requires to be changed and is determined by body weight, like 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. 
  • People during the initial stage of Kidney disease may be closer to 0.6 grams per Kg. 

Diet for late stages (4-5) of PKD

As the functioning of the kidney declines, nutritional requirement changes and so needs to -

  • Restrict phosphorus - The phosphorous imbalance is more likely to impact Kidney function. The consumption of excessive phosphorus increases the heart disease and bone disease risk. High phosphorus in the blood is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease in people with chronic kidney disease
  • Limit Potassium - The potassium intake accumulates in the blood and inhibits the functioning of the heart. Consuming the excessive amount of foods specifically rich in potassium (like melons, vegetable juice, and low-sodium food with potassium chloride in the ingredients) may bring a fatal concern. 
  • Lowers the fluid intake - Fluid recommendations change relies on each person's urine liberation and any edema. 
  • Protein consumption - However, it's necessary to determine that protein requirements do not escalate until a person needs dialysis. This is all because of the increased nutrition requirements and protein loss through dialysis
  • Polycystic kidney treatment in ayurveda relies on food (Aahar) and lifestyle (Vihar). Therefore, a patient needs to be more concerned about the foods they consume. The aforementioned nutrient intake is recommended for the patient undergoing Polycystic kidney treatment

polycystic kidney disease natural treatmentWhat foods to add for PKD disease?

Dietary modification is the prior ayurvedic treatment for PKD since ayurvedic treatment is all based on diet and lifestyle. Several foods that can help you attain overall health and enhance kidney function with PKD are as follows - 

  • Fresh fruits and Vegetables - If you are at the risk zone of hyperkalemia, consider taking fresh fruits and vegetables. 
  • Water - Every one of us is required to stay hydrated, but there's a reason since people encountering PKD must consume a lot of water. Drinking plenty of water can offend the hormone known as arginine vasopressin, which is associated with cyst growth. But before you start doing this, consult your Doctor first. 
  • Chicken, fish, and lean protein sources - Protein aids your body in building muscle and fighting infections, but excessive protein is a concern. The accumulation of waste in the blood and the kidneys may not be eliminated since many statements support this.
  • Red bell peppers -: Red bell peppers are another suitable food that is low in potassium and high in flavour, making it the best choice for people with kidney disease. These are excellent sources of Vitamin C, A, B6, fibre, and folic acid. This can be consumed as a snack, roasted, added to the favourite salad, or chopped and sauteed into a stir fry. There are endless options available. Other vegetables promoting kidney health are cabbage, cauliflower, Kale, spinach, and sweet potatoes. 
  • Blueberries - These are regarded as a superfood enriched with antioxidants, blueberries, are also have a low-calorie fibre and Vitamin C content. Other than these, strawberries, cranberries, and raspberries are the foods that are excellent to eat if you have kidney problems.
  • Garlic - Your body becomes used to the food you consume, afflicted with additives like salt. In case you might be thinking of switching to a kidney-friendly diet is dull, but it doesn't like that. Garlic is a fantastic way to give your food an additional flavour. It also aids in fighting against plaque, reduces cholesterol, and lowers inflammation. It's best to use fresh, but garlic powder is too alright. 
  • Egg whites - Proteins act as a building block of the body. But for a kidney patient, one should be consumed with a restriction. Egg white contains less phosphorus than any other protein source and gives all essential amino acids. If you prefer to acquire protein from the meat, choose a fish like salmon with high omega-3 fatty acids. 
  • Onions are another great way to enhance the flavour of any food and have numerous health benefits. They have low potassium content and are rich in flavonoids (a powerful antioxidant that can aid you in decreasing the risk of heart problems and safeguard against cancer. Onion is also a rich source of chromium - the mineral best known to enhance the body's ability to metabolise carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. 

Hope you found this blog useful, and through this, you may have become well-acquainted with the foods to avoid while being impacted by PKD. Apart from this, you can consult Karma ayurveda’s Doctor for Polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda. From treatment to dietary alterations, the need is to approach the Doctor.

Ayurvedic Kidney Care
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