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3 Tips For Enhancing Your Website Design

Darah Albesa
3 Tips For Enhancing Your Website Design

When browsing your website, does it reflect your company? Is it easy to navigate? If your website isn't strong, it's time to invest time and resources in website design.

Stunning web design makes all the difference in raising your brand's visibility and reaching more audiences. If you don't know where to begin, here are ways to improve the website design for NZ brands.

1. Create a Clutter-Free Homepage

The homepage must instantly convey your brand's message when a user visits your website. Reduced clutter and straightforward content is the best method to ensure your homepage gets your core message across.

Think of it this way, do you think your users will read every word they come across? In most cases, they quickly scan the page and pick apart the words and images that pique their interest. With that in mind, create a homepage with easy-to-digest elements. Here are steps to improve your homepage design:

  • Put your core content above the fold so users can see it without needing to scroll or click anywhere else.
  • Utilise images and visuals to communicate your brand's message.
  • Evenly space out your content by creating digestible paragraphs and using whitespace.
  • Add a call-to-action to entice visitors to subscribe to a newsletter, make a purchase, etc.

2. Make Your Website's Content Readable

Readability is a crucial part of effective website design for NZ brands. A high readability rate makes it easier for users to scan and process your content. The good news is that enhancing your website's readability is relatively simple. Here's how:

  • The right amount of contrast between your text and the background colour is necessary for readability. You can use a contrast checker tool to identify if the text and background colours mesh well together.
  • Opt for a larger font size to improve readability. The minimum font size should be around 16pt. The number can change depending on the fonts you're using for your web design.
  • Limit the number of fonts in your web design to reduce clutter. Stick to a maximum of three typefaces for your website.

3. Easy Navigation is Paramount

One of the main principles of web design is making it accessible to as many users as possible. Ensuring your website is easy to navigate can help search engines index your content and improve overall user experience. Here are some effective ways to make your website easy to navigate:

  • Link your logo to the homepage. This tip will save your users time when navigating your website.
  • Ensure your website menu is easy to find. This step must be a top priority, regardless of your site's layout.
  • Enhance your footer to guarantee all the crucial links are in one place as users scroll through your site. Navigating website design for your NZ business requires deliberate planning and know-how. While it's possible to tweak your website yourself with these tips, you'll get the best output through professionals. Look for reputable web design companies offering comprehensive web design services for the best results.

Darah Albesa
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