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Cartilage Piercings: 7 Best Cartilage Piercings Ideas

Wedding Banquets
Cartilage Piercings: 7 Best Cartilage Piercings Ideas

Cartilage Piercings: 7 Best Cartilage Piercings Ideas


Are you in the mood to experiment with your look? Wedding season is around the corner and it is the perfect time to set the trend bar high! You may have experimented with Shoes, Dresses and what not! Now do it with your ears- try Cartilage Piercing. Become a trendsetter bridesmaid as Cartilage Piercings would give you a classy chick look. To make you achieve that, we have rounded up the top.

1} Helix Piercing

 This cartilage piercing, which is situated on the top of the ear, is sophisticated and exquisite. You may simply give this form of piercing a try because it doesn't hurt too much.

2} Forward Helix Piercing 

The cartilage closest to the face is where the forward helix piercings are located. This is accomplished by making a hole in the surface directly in front of your tragus. It is a routine practise.

3} Snug Piercing

A type of ear piercing known as a snug piercing partially penetrates the inner cartilage along the outer rim of the ear. It is situated immediately above the Anti-tragus in a somewhat shallow location. The entrance and exit ports of a snug piercing are visible from the front side rather than the rear of the ear, which is one of its most distinctive characteristics.

4} Conch Piercing

The exterior portion of the human ear, known as the "concha," is pierced during a conch piercing in order to implant and wear jewellery. As part of the multi-ear piercing fad, this piercing has grown in popularity among younger ladies in recent years.

5} Tragus Piercing

In front of the ear canal is a portion of the ear called the tragus. It usually has a triangular shape with a rounded top. Each person has a unique tragus, which varies in size and shape. Some people may have a noticeable tragus, whereas others might not. The tragus is a very beautiful piercing as well.

6} Orbital Piercing

In front of the ear canal is a portion of the ear called the tragus. It usually has a triangular shape with a rounded top. Each person has a unique tragus, which varies in size and shape. Some people may have a noticeable tragus, whereas others might not. The tragus is a very beautiful piercing as well.

7} Daith Piercing 

A cartilage fold that is situated above the opening to the ear canal is used for a daith piercing. The most popular kind of piercing among women, it is intended to give the wearer a distinguishing boss-like image.

Read More:- https://weddingbanquets.in/blog/cartilage-piercings

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