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WSET Certifications for Your Wine Career -WSET LEVEL-2

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WSET Certifications for  Your Wine Career -WSET LEVEL-2

This qualification is intended for beginners wishing to learn about a wide range of wines or those seeking to build on the introductory knowledge gained with the WSET Level 1 Award in Wines.

You’ll gain knowledge of the principal and regionally important grape varieties of the world, the regions in which they are grown, and the styles of wine they produce. Through a combination of tasting and theory, you’ll explore the factors that impact style and quality and learn how to describe these wines with confidence.


How to taste and describe wine using the WSET Level 2 Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine®(SAT)

How environmental factors, grape-growing, winemaking and maturation options influence the style and quality of wines made from eight principal grape varieties:


Pinot Grigio/Gris

Sauvignon Blanc


Cabernet Sauvignon


Pinot Noir


The style and quality of wines: made from 22 regionally important grape varieties produced in over 70 geographical indications (GIs) around the world

How grape varieties and winemaking processes influence key styles of:

Sparkling wines

Fortified wines

Key labelling terms used to indicate origin, style and quality

Principles and processes involved in the storage and service of wine

Principles of food and wine pairing

Pinot Noir


The style and quality of wines: made from 22 regionally important grape varieties produced in over 70 geographical indications (GIs) around the world

How grape varieties and winemaking processes influence key styles of:

Sparkling wines

Fortified wines

Key labelling terms used to indicate origin, style and quality

Principles and processes involved in the storage and service of wine

Principles of food and wine pairing

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