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Offshore Company Formation in UAE -2023

Future vision
Offshore Company Formation in UAE -2023

Offshore is the process in which the company operated or managed outside of the country in which it is registered or outside of the country in which owners and shareholders have residence. Means both you will have an offshore license and definitely can open a company bank account inside the country only without bringing any business or products inside the UAE.

To proceed with UAE offshore incorporation requires an agent, you will need to choose one in order to register your company. Future Vision will assist you accordingly from A-Z complete formation of offshore license up to bank account opening.


  • Exemption from Corporate Taxes
  • 100% Foreign Ownership
  • Simple Registration Procedures and Cost Efficiency
  • Low Operational Costs
  • No requirement for any minimum share capital
  • Transferable Shares
  • Limited Liability
  • Can be used for international trading, asset protection, tax planning, acquiring real estate properties in the designated areas of UAE, holding and other type of business


  • UAE Offshore Company formations are not generally permitted by the Regulations to carry on any commercial operations within the UAE.
  • The activities expressly prohibited under the regulations are banking, insurance and financial services. The Authorities shall have the power to add other activities to the list of prohibited activities.
  • Own an interest in real estate property situated in UAE except in the designated areas of UAE as approved by the authorities.


RAK Offshore Company

RAK offshore or RAK IBC is usually used as a synonym for an offshore company registered with RAKICC in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. Before the consolidation of the corporate registry in 2016, RAK Offshore existed as an independent as part of RAK Investment Authority.

RAK International Corporate Centre (RAK ICC or RAKICC) is a Corporate Registry established in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. It is the international business company that can carry out business internationally or act as a holding company. RAK ICC does not keep any public register relating to company shareholders or officers. This information is kept confidential in accordance with the applicable laws. There is no accounting or reporting requirements for RAK offshore companies. Offshore companies are exempt from all taxation in the United Arab Emirates. RAK offshore company requires a minimum of 1 director and 1 shareholder.

Future Vision is the go-to provider of cutting-edge services and business setup solutions when it comes to establishing a foothold in the UAE market. Regarding business setup in Dubai, Future Vision has the most qualified experts on staff.

Our experts have access to all the information and knowledge you need to launch a successful business in the United Arab Emirates. Our experts will guide you through the process of company formation in Dubai so that it runs without a hitch.

Our 15 years of experience in the UAE business sector allow us to streamline the process of Company Incorporation Dubai and provide you with the most cost-effective solutions. Regardless of the size of your company, we are committed to helping it grow and thrive.

Future vision
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