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Free Shipping, Lab Equipment | Ai Furnaces

Ai Furnaces
Free Shipping, Lab Equipment | Ai Furnaces

Ai Furnaces is an industry leader in the manufacture of heat treatment, laboratory, and material processing equipment. Our company’s mission is as simple as it is profound, to empower those advancing science by offering innovative and high-quality equipment, along with the best customer support. As such, we’re fully committed to providing uncompromising reliability, innovation, and value to our customers. Our formula must be working.

Ai furnaces provide continuous heating to process samples and materials. They are generally built from high temperature (refractory) materials so that they can maintain high temperatures without breaking down.

A muffle furnace is (usually) a front-loading box-type oven or kiln for high-temperature applications such as fusing glass, creating enamel coatings, ceramics and soldering and brazing articles. They are also used in many research facilities, for example by chemists in order to determine what proportion of a sample is non-combustible and non-volatile (i.e., ash).

Digital controllers allow RS232 interface and permit the operator to program up to 40 segments, such as ramping, soaking, sintering, and more. Also, advances in materials for heating elements, such as molybdenum disilicide offered in our 1600°C and 1700°C furnaces, can now produce working temperatures up to 1750 degrees Celsius, which facilitate more sophisticated metallurgical applications.

Ai Furnaces offers optional UL certification to our furnaces, please call us at 888-988-0899 for more details.

Limited Time Offer

Take advantage of our limited-time offer for FREE shipping on most Ai Furnaces lab equipment! At Ai Furnaces, we believe that high-quality lab equipment should be accessible to everyone. Don't miss out on this incredible chance to get your hands on top-notch lab equipment with free shipping! Simply browse through our extensive range of lab equipment and take advantage of this enticing offer while it lasts. Don't wait any longer – make the most of our limited-time offer today! Through July 17th to 28th 2023.

*For Domestic shipping only (48 Contiguous States Excluding Hawaii and Alaska)

*Non-Expedited shipping ONLY. You will be responsible for the difference if you want expedited shipping. EXCLUDES ALL FURNACES, DROP SHIPPING, & WHITE GLOVE!

Hurry up to get the best deal for laboratory equipment with Ai Furnaces!

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