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Pea Starch Market Exhibits Higher Growth Prospects during 2019-2026 – Key Players

Anjali Pawar
Pea Starch Market Exhibits Higher Growth Prospects during 2019-2026 – Key Players

The pea starch market is exhibiting higher growth prospects during 2019-2026, with key players actively contributing to market expansion. Pea starch is a versatile and sustainable ingredient derived from peas, offering functional properties such as thickening, gelling, and binding, making it valuable across various industries.

The market's higher growth prospects are attributed to factors such as the rising demand for gluten-free and non-GMO ingredients, the growing popularity of plant-based diets, and the increasing utilization of pea starch in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic applications.

Key players in the market, including Roquette Frères, Vestkorn Milling AS, Emsland Group, and COSUCRA Group, are actively investing in research and development to introduce innovative pea starch products and expand their market presence.

The demand for Pea Starch Market in the food and beverage industry is particularly significant due to its functional properties and clean label appeal. Pea starch is utilized as a thickening agent in soups, sauces, and gravies, as well as a binding agent in gluten-free bakery products.

Moreover, the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries are also adopting pea starch for its hypoallergenic and sustainable characteristics. Pea starch serves as an excipient in pharmaceutical formulations and a natural thickener in cosmetic products.

The market's growth prospects are also influenced by the increasing consumer awareness of health and environmental concerns. As consumers seek healthier and sustainable alternatives, the demand for pea starch is expected to rise.

The pea starch market is exhibiting higher growth prospects during 2019-2026, driven by the rising demand for clean label and plant-based ingredients. Key players' efforts in research and innovation are shaping the market's development, making pea starch a valuable and sustainable ingredient across various industries.

Anjali Pawar
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