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50+ skating ottawa well-known for its outdoor skating rinks

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50+ skating ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is renowned for its picturesque landscapes and vibrant winter activities. While the city is well-known for its outdoor skating rinks, sometimes Mother Nature can be unpredictable. Thankfully, 50+ skating ottawa also offers numerous indoor skating opportunities that allow residents and visitors to experience the joy of gliding on ice, no matter the weather outside. In this article, we will explore the indoor skating options in 50+ skating ottawa, where you can enjoy this exhilarating winter activity without worrying about chilly temperatures or melting ice.

Sensplex - Cavanagh Sensplex and Bell Sensplex

One of the leading destinations for indoor skating in 50+ skating ottawa is Sensplex. This state-of-the-art facility features two locations - Cavanagh Sensplex and Bell Sensplex. Both venues boast NHL-sized rinks, offering an excellent experience for hockey enthusiasts and figure skaters alike. Cavanagh Sensplex, located in the east end of the city, offers a welcoming atmosphere for all skill levels, including lessons for beginners. Meanwhile, Bell Sensplex, situated in the west end, frequently hosts public skating sessions, private rentals, and competitive hockey events. The Sensplex provides a comfortable and temperature-controlled environment for skaters to enjoy their favorite winter pastime all year round.

Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex - Orléans

The Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex in Orléans is another indoor skating haven in 50+ skating ottawa. This modern facility features a spacious indoor ice rink, perfect for individuals, families, and friends to skate together. With regular 50+ skating ottawa public skating sessions and various programs for all ages, the complex aims to make ice sports accessible and enjoyable for the entire community. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced skater, the friendly staff and well-maintained ice surface make this complex an ideal choice for indoor skating adventures.

Kanata Recreation Complex - Charlie Conacher Arena

The Kanata Recreation Complex, home to the Charlie Conacher Arena, is a fantastic spot for indoor skating in the Kanata area. This indoor rink offers public skating sessions, figure skating lessons, and hockey programs, catering to skaters of all abilities and interests. The facility's convenient location and excellent amenities make it a popular choice among locals and visitors alike.

Minto Skating Centre - Barrhaven

Located in Barrhaven, the Minto Skating Centre is a superb indoor skating facility designed for skating enthusiasts. The arena boasts two NHL-sized ice surfaces and welcomes skaters of all ages and skill levels. From public skating sessions to figure skating and hockey programs, the Minto Skating Centre offers a diverse range of options for residents seeking to experience the joy of gliding on ice within a comfortable environment.


While 50+ skating ottawa is renowned for its beautiful outdoor skating rinks during the winter months, the unpredictable weather may sometimes dampen the outdoor skating experience. Luckily, the city offers several excellent indoor skating facilities that ensure skating enthusiasts can enjoy this exhilarating activity all year round. From the state-of-the-art Sensplex locations to the community-oriented Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex and Kanata Recreation Complex, and the Minto Skating Centre, there is no shortage of options for indoor skating in 50+ skating ottawa.

So, if you're seeking a thrilling winter adventure in the heart of Canada's capital, look no further than the city's exceptional indoor skating venues. Whether you're a seasoned skater or just starting to glide on ice, these indoor facilities guarantee an enjoyable and comfortable experience that will leave you with lasting memories of winter fun in 50+ skating ottawa.

Click Here>>> Ottawa Public Skating

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