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3 Purposes And Advantages Of Using Pulp Testing Equipment

Universal Engineering Corporation

A pulp refiner is one of the pulp testing equipment for the paper industry. Now, most people have this question. Why do even we use such equipment? If you know the method and process to make different types of papers then what is the point of testing equipment? So, in this blog, we have the answer to this question. We have brought you the main purposes, and some advantages of pulp testing. So, let us find out more about them. Here you go.

Purposes Of Pulp Testing

When you produce a paper for a specific reason then there are different parameters you must test before approving the sample. Here are how a disc refiner is used for pulp testing-

  1. Initial Wet Strength-

It spans a dryness level from 10% (nearly) during web formation up to 60% (approximately) in the first dryer in the paper-producing process. If a paper does not have this factor then quality can get affected so it is important to test the initial wet strength of a paper through pulp testing equipment.

  1. Elongation-

Elongation refers to the change in length of a material when subjected to tensile force during the production process. To determine the strength of a paper according to different usage of paper you must test the elongation of the pulp.

  1. Tensile Energy Absorption-

Based on the strain rate of a pulp refiner, the ability of a paper to absorb energy is known as tensile energy absorption. The motive for calculating the factor is to know the durability of a sample paper either dynamic or repetitive straining or stressing. 

Now, we know the importance of testing paper pulp through a disc refiner so let us discuss the advantages of testing. 

Benefits of Pulp Testing

  • Quality Standards-

If you want that the paper you are producing should match up the quality standards of the industry then testing paper pulp is essential. If you take an example here, that would make this point clearer. Suppose you are a paper manufacturer and produce paper for packaging purposes. Now, if you do not test your pulp before producing the paper and the pulp has a disbalance in elements then your paper quality will not match the quality required standards. The real problem is, that you have not executed the test at the time of production and you are done with the whole batch. Now, you cannot make corrections afterward. So, you have to do it all over again, and in some cases, you will not even get a second chance. You might lose a good client because of this mistake.


  • Efficient-

The second advantage of pulp testing at the time of production is saving time, money, and resources. As it is clear from the example above, if you do not test yoru pulp before production then repeat the whale process all over again. You need to understand that it is never a feasible solution whether you are a small-scale or large-scale manufacturer. You need a lot of money, resources, and time to do the manufacturing process once and because of one careless step doing it all over again can cost yoru business a lot.

If you conduct pulp testing before starting a batch of paper then you will save a lot of time, money, misuse of resources, and most important efforts of people handling the manufacturing. So, Make sure you test your pulp.

  • Reliable-

Now, you know the advantages of taking a pulp test but it is only beneficial if it is reliable. By being reliable we not only mean the accuracy of the test but also the convenience of operation. If you are testing pulp then the equipment should be convenient, easy to use, and advanced. This will help you operate the machine on your own without any specialist. So, make sure you check some specific features in your pulp refiner as standards, dimensions, disc diameter, etc.

Final Thoughts

In the end, we can say that testing pulp through pulp testing equipment is a wise idea to match quality standards, and save time, resources & effort. If you are looking for efficient pulp testing equipment then you must check UEC India’s pulp refiner and disc refiner. You can quality machines for many purposes so that you can easily achieve your quality parameters without any expert supervision. So, buy now and surf the website for more equipment and machines.

Universal Engineering Corporation
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