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What Is Flotilla Iot Staff Module And How It Can Enhance Your Business?

Alex hillton
What Is Flotilla Iot Staff Module And How It Can Enhance Your Business?

During operations of a commercial fleet, drivers are crucial. Getting the best performance possible from them is crucial since it can to create or break a company. How can you make the most of your drivers? Each and every manager and owner of a firm wonders this. The use of contemporary fleet management system helps to monitor the drivers. White label IoT Flotilla GPS tracking software is specifically designed to supervise drivers and increase their productivity. We'll examine the Flotilla IoT Staff module in this blog and how it might help your company.

What is Flotilla IoT Staff Module?

The staff module in Flotilla IoT's vehicle tracking software aids in verifying drivers' identities and their connection to any vehicles. The monitoring module and the reports both show when a driver is connected to a vehicle. Let's take a closer look at the many features of the Flotilla IoT Staff module.

Features of Staff Module:

Driver Verification:

In the Staff module, Drivers can use a special ID to identify themselves on the platform. A unique ID is set for the drivers when they are added to the Flotilla IoT fleet management system, which they will punch to verify their identity. Ibuttons are typically used for punching and they have the unique ID which is entered when creating a Staff. It functions somewhat like an attendance system, requiring the driver to punch their own ID after getting into the car. This alerts the management that the driver has gotten inside the car, allowing them to keep an eye on what they're doing.

Driver Management:

The challenging of managing a large fleet of drivers can be handle with the Staff module of Flotilla IoT white label GPS tracking software. It is possible to effectively control drivers of various vehicles by establishing their own distinct entities. For drivers from other departments, you can even make separate groups. You can tag drivers with a variety of terms, which will make it easier to find the right one quickly.


By adding the drivers' information, you can maintain an accurate record of them. You can enter all the necessary details while creating a staff, including Name, Department, Driver Licence Number, and Expiration Date. For identification purposes, the driver's image can also be inserted.

Driver Reports:

Flotilla IoT fleet management system offers Staff-based reporting for each driver. It features Driver-based Trip Reports, which list the number of trips done by each driver certain period of time. You can get a sense of the driver's performance from these reports because they also offer trip duration and speed. Additionally, a Driver Rank report that grades drivers according to their eco-driving violations can also be generated.

Benefits of Staff module:

Let us look at the various benefits of Flotilla IoT staff module in detail:


The Flotilla IoT fleet management system's staff module provides total transparency in day-to-day operations. Managers can make sure that drivers are doing their jobs, travelling the planned path, and refraining from excessive idling and speeding. With such oversight, the drivers remain alert as well, improving their efficiency.

Foolproof Safety:

The likelihood of an accident is decreased by allowing only authorised individuals to enter the vehicle. The system sends a run-time alarm in the event of any unauthorised entry, enabling prompt action to prevent theft.


It is simple for the managers to manage operations to have a record of every driver on a single platform. Any driver's record can be retrieved, and their performance can be examined to increase overall effectiveness.

Performance Improvement:

Drivers are more likely to drive safely when they are aware that they are being watched. They are punctual, obey traffic signs, drive steadily, cut down on idling, take the prescribed routes, etc. The effectiveness and profitability of a business are significantly increased as a result of all of this.

The Flotilla IoT fleet management system's staff module is perfectly suited for managing drivers and increasing their efficiency. As a business owner, you can gain a lot from it. 

Alex hillton
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