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Discover Child Support & Alimony Lawyer Options in Island, New York

Eric Davis
Discover Child Support & Alimony Lawyer Options in Island, New York

When families are separating, the topic of financial support and the amount that they should pay can become divisive and contentious. For the most part, financial support will come in either child support or alimony, and in rare circumstances, both.

Determining child support is part of the job of an alimony lawyer

Raising children is an expensive endeavor that works best when both parents contribute. However, kids are entitled to financial support from both parents. The non-custodial parent pays child support weekly either directly to the other parent or through the NY Department of Revenue. The parent that receives the child support can use the money they deem appropriate to support the child, and this support is not considered taxable income and will not affect the recipient’s tax bracket.

An alimony lawyer knows the laws in Island, New York

Alimony is not guaranteed in New York, but the parties can reach an agreement or leave it up to the Probate and Family Court judge. Typically, alimony or spousal support is awarded in the range of 30%-35% of the paying spouse’s income.

Unlike child support, there is no universally accepted alimony calculator, and alimony is always paid directly to the recipient’s spouse. Our family law attorney at US Legal Law can guide you through the process and assist you in reaching a favorable settlement. Call us if you need the assistance of an alimony lawyer.

There is no comparable agency to the NY Department of Revenue that can provide enforcement of alimony through wage assignment or any other mechanism. Furthermore, alimony is taxable income to the recipient and, therefore, can affect the tax bracket. Overall, courts consider factors such as the length of the marriage, and the parties’ ages, lost economic opportunities, both parties’ employ ability, marital lifestyle and the amount and sources of income for each party.

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Eric Davis
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