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Top 4 tips to maintain Polariscope Strain Viewer efficiently

Top 4 tips to maintain Polariscope Strain Viewer efficiently

If you are working in the glass bottle manufacturing industry, then you must know that these bottles will be subjected to high stress and strain. Thus, by testing the bottles rigorously against cracks, strains or stress, manufacturers can identify potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities within bottle designs early on, allowing for necessary improvements before they reach consumers' hands. To make it easy for glass bottle manufacturers to conduct quality tests on the materials, we at Presto have designed a high-quality lab testing instrument known as the Polariscope Strain Viewer - Deluxe model.

This is one of the high-quality lab testing instruments that can be used to identify the stress and strains present in PET & glass bottles. It works on the optical principle where the refraction of light rays is considered. In perfect structures, polarized light follows a straight path and does not deviate when passing through the medium.

In this blog, we are going to discuss brief information about the Presto bottle testing instrument and how to maintain this quality testing equipment efficiently. So, let us get started!

Introduction to Polariscope Strain Viewer

The Polariscope Computerized has been designed by the experts at Presto is a high-quality laboratory testing instrument that offers a comprehensive range of features to make it easy for glass bottle manufacturers to conduct quality tests on the products. 

The working principle of the instrument indicates that if there is any change in the refractive index of a material, it will show the strains in the Preforms, which will severely affect the quality of the PET and glass bottles. 

This is considered one of the high-quality lab testing instruments that are used to provide a clear and sharper optical viewing experience with a large viewing glass area. 

It has been equipped with high-quality features that are listed below.

Features of Presto Polariscope Strain Viewer

  • Two light intensities are offered: Monochromatic light and Sodium Lamp.
  • Sharper and clearer optical viewing experience.
  • Standard Template for viewing samples at 45º and 90º angles.
  • Large Viewing glass area.
  • High-resolution camera to take pictures with integrated POLCOM software
  • Standard reference defect pictures preloaded in software for easy reference
  • Pick & Place feature to compare test perform images with a standard image.

Technical specifications of Polariscope Strain Viewer

  • Viewing Area: 260 x 240 mm
  • Display: Pictorial using perform defect chart.
  • Power: 220V, Single phase, 50 Hz
  • Lights: CFL Light (Monochromatic light) Sodium Light
  • Standard template Measuring Angle: 45º and 90º

With these high-end features and technical specifications, manufacturers can easily conduct quality tests on glass bottles and containers. You can easily perform quality observations with Polariscope and ensure that quality materials will be delivered to the customers.

Now, let us discuss some easy-to-perform tips for maintaining this bottle testing instrument.

Easy-to-perform tips for maintaining Polariscope strain viewer

  • Clean the viewing area and test the platform using a soft cloth.
  • Do not put any scratches on the viewing area.
  • Do not mishandle or press the viewing area.
  • Put the device in Dust dust-free and vibration-free area.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your Polariscope strain viewer remains in perfect condition and continues to provide accurate readings for many years to come. If you want to know about the Polariscope strain viewer price or other related information then you can give us a call at +919210903903 or email us at info@prestogroup.com. Our team of technical experts will consult you regarding all your needs and queries.

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