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A year has passed since Gosford's Mad Mex – the best Mexican Restaurant Sydney West - opened!

Mad Mex
A year has passed since Gosford's Mad Mex – the best Mexican Restaurant Sydney West - opened!

A big milestone was recently reached by one of our amazing Mexican Restaurants in Sydney, and we had a blast celebrating with our friends! The Central Coast's Mad Mex restaurant celebrates its one-year anniversary this month.

The franchise owner at West Gosford, Garry Kamboj, put on an impressive show. The proof is in the photos!

My chat with Garry was all about what it's been like to be part of the Mad Mex family, and what's next.

Is West Gosford proving to be a successful location for you?

The experience has been very enjoyable for me! After working in corporate jobs for several years, I decided to start my own restaurant to pursue my personal and professional interests.

It's a pleasure to eat healthy, delicious, and fresh food every day, and I can't ask for anything more! It was for this reason that I chose Mad Mex as my franchise!

Do you have any reflections on the past year?

One of the highlights of the year has been learning new things. As an entrepreneur, I have learned a lot as I have taken the risk of starting my own business. My can-do attitude allowed me to take full advantage of this opportunity despite that.

What is the response of West Gosford residents to Mexican cuisine? Do they have a favorite dish?

There is a lot of buzz about Mad Mex among the locals! We constantly hear how appreciative they are of our healthy and tasty alternative to cooking at home. Today, cooking can be challenging, which is why Mad Mex offers a convenient solution.The Chicken Burrito with Guacamole is definitely my personal favorite on the menu.

You partied hard over the weekend. What are your future plans for your restaurant?

Our next step is to support local sports teams as a result of the love we've received from the community. We pride ourselves on being part of the local sporting scene because we believe in Fresh Fuel For Life and a healthy lifestyle.

We are offering 10% discount to all Planet Fitness members as a result of our recent partnership. Start your day with a good workout in West Gosford, then reward yourself with delicious food afterwards!

As a final note, we strive to provide every customer with an exceptional experience. With this drive, we've delivered impressive amounts of value to our customers over the past year.

A truly top Mexican restaurant in Sydney is the place to go if you're craving fresh, wholesome, and good food. Congratulations to Garry and his team at the best Mexican restaurant in Sydney on this great achievement, and we look forward to celebrating another anniversary with you in the future!

Mad Mex
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