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What is Recognition of Prior Learning?

What is Recognition of Prior Learning?

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RPL is a process whereby your previous study and/or work experience can be recognised as credits towards a qualification. Different courses have specific guidelines for RPL, these can be found on individual course pages and in the University General Regulations.

How do I apply for RPL?

If you have acquired skills and knowledge through work experience, volunteer positions, self-study or life experiences, you can apply to have them recognised as credit towards a qualification. RPL or recognition of prior learning experiential learning (RPEL) is when a training provider recognises the skills and knowledge you’ve already gained in relation to a course and awards you with qualifications, or reduces the number of units you need to complete.

Identify the specific skills and knowledge you have that are relevant to your chosen course. You may need to submit a portfolio of evidence.

Once you have submitted your application and portfolio, evaluation will take place. This can take up to 10-15 working days, depending on the time of year. RPL is a process to help you close the gap between formal and informal learning. It can accelerate your career development, and is also a valuable tool in enhancing your professional credibility. It can also save you both money and time by not having to write subjects you are already adequately qualified in.

What is RPL?

RPL is a process that allows you to gain a qualification faster by recognizing the knowledge and skills you already have. It helps you avoid having to reassess subjects that you have already learned, so you can save time and money while building up your professional career.

It’s a method of assessment that takes into account all of the relevant learning you have gained through work and life experiences, ensuring that it is assessed against the course requirements. It also recognises that valuable knowledge is not restricted to the confines of a classroom and acknowledges the value of informal and nonformal learning.

RPL is a process that is commonly used in further education and training in countries across Europe. It is also known as APEL (Accreditation of recognition of prior learning rpl) in the UK, CCC (Crediting Current Competence) in Canada and PLAR in Australia. Each country has its own specific terms and acronyms for RPL. For example, in France it is known as Bilan de compétences approfondi or Validation des acquis.

What are the benefits of RPL?

RPL is a great way for people to gain a qualification without having to take on additional study. It allows adults with a lot of previous work and life experience to have their skills and knowledge assessed, with the potential of being able to start university courses with advanced standing.

Those who get their skills recognised by this process may also find that it boosts their confidence, self-esteem and motivation for learning. It helps them to see that the skills they have built up in their careers, whether it’s digital marketing or pre purchase building inspections, are valuable.

And in a country where many learners lack the tertiary qualifications that employers demand, these kinds of RPL strategies that ladder experiences together and reduce barriers to accessing education are an important part of improving educational equity. This is something that Guild Education and similar platforms can play a part in by driving conversations about these options.

What happens if I don’t qualify for RPL?

RPL is a process by which an individual’s existing skills and knowledge are formally recognised towards the achievement of a nationally recognised qualification or Statement of Attainment. Those skills and knowledge can be from a variety of sources including, formal education, non-formal learning such as training workshops and seminars, life experience, hobbies, sports and community activities and informal work and volunteering experiences. Each RPL application is assessed individually and the assessment process requires that a reflective account is made of all the relevant experience.

The process is lengthy and complex and may include portfolio building, attendance at knowledge enhancement workshops and tests presentations. Often, students who complete the RPL process find that they do not have to study subjects they have already explored in their work and study experience. This fast-tracks their studies and can help them graduate sooner. It can also be a way to qualify for government assistance such as Youth Allowance or Austudy.

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