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Basement Wall Leak Repair: Why Sealants Don’t Work?

Basement Waterproofing Solutions
Basement Wall Leak Repair: Why Sealants Don’t Work?

If you have encountered water leakage in your basement at one place or two, don’t panic. It is common. Homes often start to leak once they get old, but this is not true in all cases. Use of poor material and construction techniques may need basement wall leak repair earlier than you expect. This article explains the right course of action to deal with basement leaks and reasons not to choose DIY and quick-fix methods. 

What Are the Reasons for Water Leakage in The Basement?


There are many reasons for basement and other water leakages in our home. Some of those are the following: 

  • Settling of foundation
  • Hydrostatic pressure
  • Poor construction techniques
  • Use of low-quality material
  • Cracks in basement walls and floors


Choosing basement leak repair the moment water appears is essential to prevent a home from mild damage and costly repairs. In order to fix these issues, some homeowners use sealants like epoxy injection or hydraulic cement. But it is a wrong approach! Let us know why. 

Why Are Sealants Not the Right Approach to Deal With the Leaks?

Basement leaks happen due to cracks in walls and floors. Another place that allows the water inside is the cove joint (a place where the wall and floor meet). 

Homeowners attempt to fill every gap and think it will solve the issue. But that is not the case. One may try to layer up the cracks and wall and floor joints with a thick sealant. This way can look helpful in the beginning, but it always fails later on for the following reasons. 

  • Water always finds its way. If you block water from one place, it will find another way to get inside your basement. It can result in creating new cracks in the walls and floors. 

  • Another reason for sealant failure is the presence of a huge amount of water behind the wall. In this scenario, sealant will not be able to hold onto the pressure exerted by the water, and it will result in the water flooding. 

Because of the above reasons, sealing is not the right approach for basement wall leak repair


What Are the Correct Methods for Basement Wall Leak Repair?

When it comes to choosing the best method to prevent water leakage, it is best to approach the professionals. Every home is built differently, so in most cases, there is a need for a customizable solution to fight the problem. However, some of the leak repair methods are as follows: 

  • Installation of a French drain with a sump pump. 
  • Adding gutter extensions.
  • Improving the ventilation and humidity.
  • Using clay tile in walls. 


Basements are prone to water damage. Water never comes alone. It always comes with smell, mold, and harm to the furniture. The best way to fight water leaks in your home is by getting your home inspected by a waterproofing company. 

If you are looking for Basement wall foundation leak repair, Basement Waterproofing Solutions (BWS Dry) is one of the best companies. They provide customized solutions to your water leakage issues. To know more about them, visit their website now!

Basement Waterproofing Solutions
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