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The Role Cybersecurity Plays in an All Online Business

Hugh Grant
The Role Cybersecurity Plays in an All Online Business

Cybersecurity is a necessity for all types of businesses, regardless of the size of their networks and systems. By investing in cybersecurity, you’ll ensure that individuals with malicious motives cannot access valuable and sensitive data.

Technological advancements have enabled businesses to ensure their data is safe by storing it on cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services. The cloud platforms offer more convenience; however, attacker sophistication has also improved significantly. Solutions such as firewalls and anti-viruses can no longer provide adequate protection, and this is why businesses should consider working with a cybersecurity firm that will assist them in developing a cybersecurity strategy that will guarantee multilayered levels of protection.

The Importance of Cybersecurity

Our reliance on technology is growing significantly; as a result, sensitive information such as customer and client information is being stored on cloud storage platforms such as Google Drive and Dropbox. The reliance on computer systems became more rampant during the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced many businesses to implement work-from-home solutions. The dependence on technology and adoption of the Internet of Things, AI, and cloud services has brought about new security vulnerabilities that never existed before.

Governments have also come up with new regulations in a bid to curb cybercrime. For instance, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a strict security and privacy law that the EU drafted (European Union), and it imposes various obligations on companies throughout the globe that collect or target data related to people residing in the EU (European Union).

The GDPR law forced companies to:

  • Anonymize data for privacy
  • Communicate data breaches
  • Require user consent to process information
  • Appoint a data protection officer

Protecting Your Business from Cybercrime

Some of the steps that you can take to ensure your business is safe from cybercrime include:

Educate Employees

Security and IT professionals can offer cyber security training to mitigate and prevent risks when compromising the company’s information security. The training programs are meant to ensure employees have enough clarity about their responsibilities and roles when it comes to safeguarding information security. A good security awareness program usually helps employees understand proper cyber etiquette and how to identify a cyberattack resulting from different cybersecurity risks.

Implement Privileged Access

Privileged access management usually refers to companies' technology and strategies to manage permissions and privileged access to users, processes, systems, and accounts across an IT environment. By assigning employees with an appropriate level of access, depending on their responsibilities and role in the organization, the risk of a cyberattack will be mitigated effectively, regardless of whether an internal or external error caused it.

Monitoring, Detection & Response

Businesses should monitor their networks and systems throughout to ensure there isn’t any suspicious activity that may lead to a data breach or attack. If cybersecurity monitoring isn’t implemented, this may delay detecting an attack that is underway, and the business may be unable to respond promptly to reduce the impact.

The Dangers of a Virus to an e-Business

A virus can be used to steal sensitive data and disrupt operations, and the business may incur losses amounting to thousands of dollars or millions. As a business owner, take time to learn about different types of malware, how they work, and the steps you should take when protecting your business.

Hugh Grant
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