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FUE vs FUT: Understanding Hair Transplantation Methods

SB Trichology
FUE vs FUT: Understanding Hair Transplantation Methods

When it comes to reclaiming lost locks, hair transplant surgery stands as the gold standard, offering a permanent solution with promising outcomes. Amidst the remarkable advances in the field, experts have managed to deliver solutions for even the most extensive hair loss with minimal downtime, reshaping hairlines and restoring density like never before.

Two prominent techniques dominate the hair transplant landscape: Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Each technique bears its own unique attributes, making the choice crucial for those seeking rejuvenated hair. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a renowned surgeon for Hair Restoration Treatment in Gurgaon, has shared her insights on the benefits and drawbacks of both these transplantation techniques.


FUT, often termed Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS), is regarded as the “surgical” hair transplant approach. The procedure involves harvesting a strip of tissue, laden with hair follicle rows, from the donor area using a scalpel. The strip is then meticulously processed into follicles under magnification, followed by transplantation. The surgeon employs a special technique called “trichophytic closure” to artfully conceal the donor scar. The procedure, performed under local anesthesia, offers comfort throughout. Depending on the surgeon’s chosen closure method, suture removal may be necessary after the prescribed healing period.


FUE, often marketed as a “non-surgical” hair transplant, revolves around the use of micro-punches, manually or with a motorized device, to individually extract follicular units from the donor area. This intricate process demands magnification and significant training to ensure root integrity during extraction. The result is a collection of follicular units housing single or multiple hair follicles. Post-healing, the donor site showcases tiny puncture marks, resembling inconspicuous white dots. The beauty of FUE lies in the absence of stitches, as these minuscule scars seamlessly meld with the surrounding hair growth.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Both FUT and FUE boast distinct advantages. The choice between the two hinges on individual needs and considerations. Here’s a breakdown of their key features:

FUT Pros:

  1. Ideal for cases requiring a larger follicle yield.
  2. Typically shorter procedure duration.
  3. Minimal scalp preparation, and a hidden donor scar.
  4. Relatively cost-effective.
  5. Can be followed by FUE if necessary.

FUT Cons:

  1. Surgical risks and meticulous technique are required.
  2. Higher pain score and swelling.
  3. Longer recovery period for the scar.
  4. Demands surgical expertise for effective donor area camouflage.
  5. A long scar may necessitate longer hair for concealment.

FUE Pros:

  1. Shorter donor area recovery time.
  2. Negligible visible scarring for shorter hairstyles.
  3. Allows extraction from various body parts in cases of low scalp donor density.
  4. Reduced pain and no stitch removal.

FUE Cons:

  1. Lower yield compared to FUT.
  2. Expertise-dependent for optimal results.
  3. Longer procedure time.
  4. Higher cost per unit compared to FUT.
  5. Not a precursor to FUT.
  6. Requires full scalp shaving for proper follicular unit harvesting.

In the pursuit of luscious locks, the choice between FUT and FUE hinges on a host of factors. Whether one seeks a larger yield, minimal scarring, or cost-effectiveness, both techniques have their merits and drawbacks. Consulting a skilled surgeon, well-versed in both methods, is paramount to making an informed decision. If one is looking for the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Gurgaon, they can visit SB Aesthetics, a well known facility for cosmetic and plastic procedures.

SB Trichology
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