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Payment digital


Smart Reconciliation

Fast, Accurate Zero-Touch Transaction Reconciliation With the proliferation of new payment mechanisms banks need to reconcile many types of digital payment transactions including credit, debit, prepaid, ATM, POS, P2P and mobile transactions. Current payment reconciliation systems are, however inflexible to support new payment classes, new file formats and data resulting in protracted time to onboard payment reconciliations quickly and facilitate multi-party reconciliations.

An inability to keep up with new payment classes and growing transaction volumes, introduces additional operational risks, potentially increasing number of exceptions and dispute volumes and costs.

Redtech Smart Recon

Redetech Smart Recon offers a highly configurable platform for onboarding new payment classes and automates the complete reconciliation operations spanning administrative management, data integration, transactional matching and exception management and reporting.

Designed to match high-volumes of records, Redtech Smart Recon supports a wide diversity of payment classes with built-in flexibility to rapidly onboard new reconciliation processes for multiple payment channels and scheme-based payments. Complete visibility into transaction records across payment systems and automatic identification of exceptions reduces administrative overheads by saving time and audit costs, mitigates risk and enhances customer satisfaction.

Multiple Reconciliation Types

Implemented by leading banks and processors globally, Redtech Smart Recon, a dedicated platform for payments reconciliation supports Card reconciliation, ATM reconciliation, Instant Payments reconciliation, Payment Systems and Wallet reconciliation.

Transform Reconciliation Operations with a Managed Services Approach

Redtech offers a full services Reconciliation portfolio to help customer improve operational efficiencies. Customers have the option to extend a managed technology service model or a managed technology and operations services model. We offer flexible on-shore and off-shore services tailored to customer needs.

Customers benefit from Redtech unique combination of deep payments expertise, proven global solution and experienced staff with practices and deep operational expertise to manage reconciliation. Under the umbrella of Managed Services, Redtech assumes complete responsibility for end-to-end operations including reconciliation, complaint redress and regulatory reporting across payment classes.

Contact Us

Call To : +234-913-933-7298

Email To :[email protected]

Address :

22B, Idowu Taylor Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.

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