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How Can I Find Out Whether A Person Has Undergone Lasik Surgery Or Not?

Contour Vision India
How Can I Find Out Whether A Person Has Undergone Lasik Surgery Or Not?

You may be losing your vision and worried about your future. Wearing contact lenses or glasses for long hours can be irritating and troublesome. You might be unable to do certain things without using those eye accessories. LASIK surgery proves to be a boon to such patients. It allows you to see the world like any ‘normal’ person. 

About LASIK surgery

It is a commonly availed refractive eye surgery performed to rectify vision-related problems. It includes astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness. A laser performs this procedure effectively. Since incisions are not created on the eye, medical experts can’t know if someone has undergone LASIK surgery. Showing torch light on the eyes will also not reveal if they had this surgery. 

How can you know if someone has undergone the procedure?

The ordinary person can’t know if you have undergone the procedure. But doctors will examine your eyes thoroughly. They will also review your past medical history and come to know about your having the surgery earlier. However, not everyone is eligible to avail of this remedy. Discuss it with your surgeon to know the benefits and risks.

Is LASIK easily noticeable merely by viewing your eyes?

It is only by performing a comprehensive examination by a qualified doctor that people will know about your having had the procedure. However, the average person will be unable to notice changes taking place in your cornea’s shape or Lasik incision’s location. This is after the regular healing period of six months. Lasik surgery is virtually invisible.

Other ways to know if someone has undergone the procedure?

As a layperson, the best way to know if someone has availed of the procedure is to ask him directly about it. But remember, it is something personal. Hence, it is entirely up to the person to share such information with you. If given permission, you may access their medical records to know about their having undergone the procedure.

Why it is not possible to know?

Surgical methods have changed over time. The LASIK surgery specialists in Delhi have switched to using the latest surgical equipment and techniques to perform the procedure. Hence, no scars are left in the process. Since no visible scars are present, the average person will be unable to know if someone has undergone the procedure. 

Quick recovery

You will regain vision within two days of undergoing the surgery. Also, the recovery will be smooth. Many patients have reported not experiencing any post-surgical complications. Also, your eyes will recover will recover in two weeks or so. Before the surgery, you can perform your daily tasks without any restriction. 

Is the procedure safe?

Yes, the procedure is completely safe unless you have any major contraindications like:

  • You should not experience severe defects or trouble in normal hydration or producing tears. 
  • The pupil diameter was not too wide. Otherwise, post-surgery, you will view a halo in your vision field permanently.
  • A thick cornea is desired as it can sustain sculpting as desired. 
  • Those with dry eyes are not eligible to undergo the LASIK procedure.
  • In the long run, LASIK is more safe than using contact lenses. 

Lower or greater risks that patients may be exposed to

It depends on their circumstances like family history, astigmatism, desired degree of lens rectification, etc. Discussing with a qualified surgeon will allow you to know the common ones. It is necessary to identify a qualified ophthalmologist with adequate experience in the field. The doctor should evaluate properly your specific risks. He should provide honest feedback about your eligibility for the procedure. 

Set realistic expectations

LASIK surgery is not an end-all-be-all magic solution to rectify everyone’s vision-related problems. It might work wonderfully for some but not for others. Discuss with your ophthalmologist to set the right expectations for the procedure. If you are not eligible for it, there is no use pressuring the doctor to go ahead. In such cases, try alternative remedies. You cannot risk losing your eyesight. 

LASIK surgery frequency

No limit exists as to how many times you can have LASIK. However, each time you avail the procedure, your corneal tissue gets removed. Since its thickness is 500-600 microns, you will not have many tissues to work on. Practically, a good patient will require LASIK only once to achieve the desired results.

Contour Vision India
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