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What Is The Expected Recovery Period, And What Kind Of Post-operative Care Do They Provide?

Plan My Lasik
What Is The Expected Recovery Period, And What Kind Of Post-operative Care Do They Provide?

LASIK surgery usually is completed in minutes. However, patients should undertake proper care to ensure excellent results and quick healing. Your surgical care team and surgeon will prepare a custom post-operative care plan. The plan includes follow-up appointments, eye shields, and eye drops.


Recovery time 

This surgical procedure uses lasers to rectify vision problems resulting from refractive errors. Laser is used to changing the cornea’s shape, thus allowing the patient to have clearer vision. Vision for most people is stable and clear approximately 6 months following the surgery. Usually, the patient’s eye takes about 2 to 3 months to heal. 

LASIK Aftercare

The post-op plan offered by the leading Lasik surgery specialists in Delhi usually involves caring for your eyes during the healing process. Aftercare is critical. Hence, the following will be included in the recovery plan:

  • Checkups: Checking with your doctor is essential after 24-48 hours of having the surgery. The doctor will check your vision and healing. He will evaluate if your care plan requires any necessary alterations. Follow-up appointments are continued for about 6 months following surgery. The objective is to ensure recovery is taking place as expected.

  • Medications: The plan will also include using eye drops to keep eyes moist and avoid dry eyes. You may feel discomfort for a couple of days following the procedure for which you will be prescribed a painkiller. Do not take medications on your own, but follow the doctor’s advice. 

  • Protection: Do not rub your eyes during the healing process. Avoid doing anything that otherwise might dislodge the flap or cause eye infections. Eye shields can protect your eyes from injury, dust, etc. Proper care can enhance satisfaction, expedite the healing timeline, and reduce potential complications.

Post-op recovery tips

Once LASIK surgery is completed, your surgeon will prescribe a recovery protocol to boost better vision and faster healing. The tips given below can help safeguard you from most surgery risks. 

  • Stay in the shade: Whenever you go outside, wear sunglasses to escape the sun’s harsh rays striking your eyes. 

  • Protect your eyes: Wear a shield or goggles for a week or more following the LASIK procedure based on the healing rate. 

  • Take rest: Your body will require adequate rest to heal quickly. Feeling rested will make you comfortable and recover fast.
  • Avoid driving until safe: Following your surgery, someone known should drive you back home safely. Your doctor will suggest when to resume driving. 

  • Exercise safely: You may start exercising but after a day or two following the surgery. But if engaging in contact sports use goggles for about six months.

  • Use medications: Use doctor-prescribed eye drops on time. Pain relievers can help manage discomfort faced.

  • Clean carefully: Avoid baths, but take showers for the first day. Do not use soap or makeup for two weeks. 

  • Avoid screens: Stay away from TV and computer screens for a day. Evaluate how your eyes respond and feel. Limit time if feeling tired.

  • Watch your expressions: Avoid squeezing your eyes by closing them forcefully. It can cause damage to the repaired part and delay the healing process.

  • Limit irritants: Avoid smoking after surgery. Also, avoid dust particles as they can cause eye infections.

  • Avoid certain water types: Avoid swimming in streams, lakes, and other water bodies for 2-3 weeks following the surgery. Also, avoid bathing in hot tubs.

What do you expect immediately after the surgery?

Immediately after the surgery, you may experience several issues. It includes itching or burning sensations, or feeling of something present in the eye. Your eyes might water or tear during this period, while vision may be blurry or hazy. Eyes might become sensitive to light during the initial days after surgery. To ease pain, your doctor may prescribe you eye drops. Use an eye shield over your affected eyes while sleeping for a few days to help safeguard your eyes.

When should you consult the surgeon after surgery?

LASIK is an effective procedure conducted safely by experienced doctors at well-established clinics. Your doctor will schedule follow-up appointments to ensure proper and quick healing. However, if you have concerns or questions, consult your doctor immediately. While your eyes heal, you may experience some common side effects. Most vanish with time. However, a few symptoms might prompt visiting your doctor. It includes infection signs like fever, significant pain, and worsening vision.

Plan My Lasik
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