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Granulation process and equipment of small pig manure organic fertilizer production line

Granulation process and equipment of small pig manure organic fertilizer production line

The small-scale pig manure organic fertilizer production equipment is a type of equipment that uses chicken, sheep, and pig manure as the main raw materials, adds a certain amount of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, magnesium sulfate, ferrous sulfate, and other substances, and ferments rice bran, yeast, soybean meal, and sugar for a certain period of time as biological bacteria. Under the action of sulfuric acid, it is mixed fermentation to produce biological fertilizer.

The small-scale pig manure organic fertilizer production equipment is necessary for the development of circular economy, the construction of a resource-saving and environmentally friendly society, in line with relevant national industrial policies, and is conducive to the sustainable development of production. It can promote the modernization, scale, and standardization of production on the right track.

Small pig manure processing particle fertilizer production line process: using a composting machine to ferment the raw materials - crushing the fermented organic fertilizer - stirring the raw materials evenly by a mixer - granulating by a particle machine - drying by a dryer to evaporate the moisture in the particles - cooling by a cooling machine to quickly reduce the particle temperature - screening by a screening machine to screen out unqualified particles and re crush them for granulation - coating qualified particles - for organic fertilizer finished products Quantitative bagging.

The equipment for processing pig manure into organic fertilizer is advanced in technology and compact in structure. Harmless live bacterial preparations are used to treat livestock and poultry manure, and biological fermentation is carried out under the action of various beneficial microorganisms. After fully decomposing the organic matter, nutrients are released, and the resulting biological heat and high-temperature fermentation process can kill insect eggs and bacteria, purify the environment, detoxify and deodorize, achieving resource utilization and industrialization, low energy consumption, harmless treatment, and stable product quality.

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