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Best CA & CMA Coaching Course in Coimbatore - The Rachith Academy

Best CA & CMA Coaching Course in Coimbatore - The Rachith Academy

Our Mission & Visions

Get to Know About Rachith Academy

Rachith Academy established in 2018 with an objective to create quality Accounting Professionals to the society . The coaching methodology well suits each & every individual, as the same is designed after understanding their true potential. This includes personal attention , clearing the doubts any time , interactive sessions to make the students comfortable & confident., making them to appear for regular tests etc. Rachith Academy believes in “WHEN YOU SUCCEED, WE SUCCEED”.


Our Promoter

Our promoter is a non commerce (science) graduate & is CHARTERED COST ACCOUNTANT. He is a true visionary having varied experiences in the field of Finance & Accounts in various industries, under whose guidance this academy is marching forward.


Our Teaching Expertise Across the Industry


Qualified Faculty with years of teaching experience

The subject is taught by dedicated, experienced, and skilled educators who possess practical expertise. We believe that concept-oriented teaching will better prepare students for articleship and practise.


Comprehensive Study material

To prepare for any sort of question with a strong presentation in the test, use our very own study material (created by qualified professionals and lecturers), ICAI study material, Practise manual, and past examination papers.


Rigorous evaluation and feedback sessions

For Foundation students weekly tests are conducted followed by paper discussion sessions, therefore performance evaluation is possible. For Intermediate students, weekly exams cover at least 3 subjects every week.


To know more: https://rachithacademy.in/

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