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Aptos Thread Lifting: An Innovative Anti-Aging Treatment

CHIC CLINIC, estetska kirurgija, Mišo Šikman,dr.med.

Summary: Innovative techniques and technologies have revolutionised the aesthetics industry in the quest for youthful skin. While there are several anti-ageing procedures accessible today, Aptos thread lifting has gained popularity because of its efficiency and benefits that look natural. This non-surgical technique effectively fights the tell-tale signs of ageing thanks to the use of bioactive threads.

In the search for youthful skin, innovative technologies and procedures have transformed the area of aesthetics. While there are several anti-ageing treatments available today, Aptos thread lift has grown in favour due to its effectiveness and natural-looking effects. The use of bioactive threads in this non-surgical method efficiently combats the visible signs of ageing. 

The method for lifting an Aptos thread: 

The non-surgical facial lifting with Aptos methods has a short recovery period and provides immediate and long-lasting benefits. The surgery entails deliberately lifting and contouring the face or troublesome areas by inserting Aptos threads into the subcutaneous tissue using a specialist method. 

Once the Aptos threads are in place, they function as a scaffolding system, supporting the underlying tissues and realigning sagging skin. The bioactive qualities of the threads drive fibroblast activity over time, which increases the production of new collagen and elastin, restoring the suppleness and firmness of the skin and enhancing its texture. 

Permanent Results: 

The longevity of Aptos thread lifting is one of its key benefits. The bioactive qualities of the threads continue to promote collagen formation as the body consumes them. The effects of the surgery are prolonged by the steady production of collagen, giving rise to a rejuvenated appearance that can endure for up to two years. 

Aptos Thread Lifting Advantages 

Natural-looking outcomes: 

Unlike traditional surgical facelifts, Aptos threads provide a non-invasive method that avoids cutting or detaching facial tissues. These threads are carefully implanted to raise and reposition facial tissues within the confines of the body's natural anatomy. The outcome is a fresh, understated appearance that blends seamlessly with the wearer's characteristics without appearing overdone or unnatural. 

Minimal incisions: 

Because Aptos thread lifting is a non-surgical process, there is less chance of infection and scarring because it only calls for a few tiny punctures. 

Quick recovery: 

The healing period following Aptos thread lifting is relatively brief as compared to conventional facelift procedures, allowing patients to resume their normal activities quickly. 


The brow, cheeks, jowls, and neck can all be treated with Aptos thread lifting, which offers thorough rejuvenation catered to each person's demands. 

As people strive to maintain youthful-looking skin, Aptos thread lifting is emerging as a highly successful and non-invasive anti-ageing treatment. These threads' bioactive PLA and PCL components encourage the production of collagen and tissue regeneration, giving off long-lasting, natural-looking effects. Aptos thread lifting has established itself as a leader in the field of anti-ageing aesthetics thanks to its minimum downtime and demonstrated efficacy. 


Aptos thread lift might be the ideal treatment for you if you're seeking a non-surgical way to fight ageing and reclaim your young glow. Consult with a skilled Aptos thread-lifting physician to determine your candidature for the surgery and to start down the path to a more youthful appearance.

CHIC CLINIC, estetska kirurgija, Mišo Šikman,dr.med.
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