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What to Do in Case of a Vehicle Lockout: Tips & Tricks for Drivers

What to Do in Case of a Vehicle Lockout: Tips & Tricks for Drivers

We've all been there at some point – you're rushing to your car, and as you reach for your keys, you realize they're sitting on the driver's seat, or worse, you've locked them inside. Vehicle lockouts can be incredibly frustrating, but they happen to the best of us. So, what should you do when you find yourself locked out of your car? In this blog, we'll explore some practical tips and tricks to help you handle a vehicle lockout situation with ease.


Stay Calm

The first and most important thing to do when you discover you're locked out of your vehicle is to stay calm. It's a stressful situation, but panicking won't help. Take a deep breath and focus on finding a solution. Stress can cloud your judgment, and you might end up making the situation worse.



Before you take any further steps, double-check to make sure you're genuinely locked out. It's not uncommon for people to mistakenly believe they've locked themselves out, only to find their keys in their bag or pocket. Look around, retrace your steps, and ensure your keys are indeed missing.


Call for Help

If you've confirmed that you're locked out, reach out to someone who can assist you. Call a friend, family member, or a trusted neighbor who might have a spare key. They might be able to bring it to you, saving you time and money.


Contact Roadside Assistance

Many drivers have roadside assistance as part of their insurance or as a separate membership. If you have this service, don't hesitate to contact them. They can dispatch a professional locksmith to help you get back into your vehicle. It's a safe and reliable option, especially if you're in an unfamiliar area.


Use Spare Keys

If you have a spare key, now is the time to use it. Keep a spare key with a trusted friend or family member, or consider investing in a magnetic key box that you can attach to your vehicle's underside. This way, you'll always have a backup plan for situations like this.


Attempt to Unlock It Yourself

In some cases, you may be able to unlock your vehicle on your own without professional assistance. Here are a few tricks you can try:


a. Coat Hanger: Straighten a coat hanger and insert it between the window and the weather stripping. Carefully try to hook the locking mechanism.


b. Shoelace Method: This method involves using a looped shoelace to pull the door's lock switch. It can be effective in some older models.


c. Inflatable Wedges: Special inflatable wedges are designed for unlocking car doors without causing damage. Insert the wedge between the door and the frame, then use a pump to create enough space to insert a long, slender tool to unlock the door.


d. DIY Lockout Kit: You can purchase a basic lockout kit online or from an auto parts store. These kits often contain various tools, including long reach tools and wedges, to help you unlock the door.


Seek Professional Help is always the best option

If your attempts to unlock the car yourself are unsuccessful, it's time to call a professional lockout service assistances who are trained to handle vehicle lockout situations and can typically open your car without causing any damage.

Avoid Damaging Your Vehicle

During a lockout situation, it can be tempting to try various techniques to regain access to your vehicle. However, it's important to avoid causing damage to your car in the process. DIY methods, like using a coat hanger, can lead to scratches, broken locks, or even damage to your window. In the long run, the repair costs could outweigh the expense of professional assistance.


Plan Ahead

To prevent future lockout incidents, consider taking some preventative measures:


a. Smart Locks: Invest in a vehicle with a smart keyless entry system that allows you to unlock the car with a smartphone app or a code.


b. Spare Keys: Keep a spare key with someone you trust, or consider a keyless entry pad for your car, which can be installed by a professional.


c. Auto Club Membership: Join an auto club or roadside assistance program. They can be a lifesaver in lockout situations and other emergencies.




Vehicle lockouts can be a major inconvenience, but with the right approach, you can handle them calmly and effectively. Staying prepared with spare keys, knowing when to seek professional help, and avoiding damage to your vehicle are key takeaways. Remember, in stressful situations like this, a clear head and some knowledge of the options available can make all the difference. Whether it's your trusty coat hanger or a professional locksmith, you'll be back on the road in no time.

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