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How to Solve Brazilian Walnut Flooring Water Damage Issue?

Harper Floors
How to Solve Brazilian Walnut Flooring Water Damage Issue?

Hardwood is the choice of almost every homeowner, but it comes with some drawbacks, and one of them is water damage. Cupping and folding of wood are damages that cannot be reversed. Often, the best of the flooring installers makes minute mistakes that spoil the floors forever. So, homeowners need to buy the flooring under the warranty and hire the best for installation. If you have water damage issues with Brazilian walnut flooring or any other floors, this article is here to help you.

Solutions Offered by Flooring Companies for Wood Cupping:

In case newly installed floors start to show signs of moisture damage, most probably, the homeowner is going into either shock or denial. Here are some of the solutions offered by flooring companies to treat cupped hardwood flooring: 

Sand the Cupping:

The most common occurrence in Brazilian walnut hardwood floors is exploding and never returning back to what it was earlier. This means when the floors flatten, there are cracks between the boards. 

While one may feel the urge to sand the cupped floor, it is not the right approach and can make the floors unsightly. No one knows what will be the depth and width of the cracks, except for time. So, allowing some time for the wood to dry and flatten again is a better approach than sanding. 

Filling Up the Cracks: 

While we have already discussed that sanding the cupped floor is not a solution, filling up a crack can still work. But this also depends upon the size of the cracks. Smaller cracks are easier to cover and hide, while larger cracks can create problems and buckling up of floors.

Remove the Flooring Section and Replace It With New:

Out of all the solutions we have discussed, replacing the boards is the only permanent solution to the problem. However, Brazilian walnut floors are generally nailed down. In this case, it is essential to allow the subfloor to dry so there is no risk of water damage to the new boards.  

What to Know Before Replacing the Floors? Generally, there is a huge color difference in wood from different mills. The only solution is to get hardwood flooring from the same mill. However, there can be huge differences in wood flooring from the same mill; therefore, it is best to get extra flooring and keep it as a life for the future.

In case a similar board is no longer available, it is best to match the new board with unaffected and re-sanded wood that is bare wood to bare wood. (This can be done even if the wood is from the same mill).


In the end, it is essential to note that Brazilian walnut floors must be installed only when the subfloor is completely dry. Also, to prevent cupping, keep the boards inside the room prior to installation. This will allow the boards to adjust as per the room’s temperature.

If you are a homeowner looking for beautiful flooring solutions, Harper Floors is the best place. They provide all kinds of floors, from Hardwood to SPC and engineered floors. Visit their website now!

Harper Floors
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