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Air Handling Units Market Analysis and Opportunity Assessment 2023: Sales, Production, and Forecast

Sourabh Bhilare
Air Handling Units Market Analysis and Opportunity Assessment 2023: Sales, Production, and Forecast

The global air handling units (AHU) market is a rapidly growing market that provides a critical role in HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems. An air handling unit is a device used to regulate and circulate air as part of a heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. AHUs are used in various applications such as commercial, residential, industrial, and institutional buildings.

The growth of the global air handling units market is mainly driven by the increasing demand for energy-efficient HVAC systems, as well as the rising focus on improving indoor air quality. The market is also being driven by the increasing adoption of smart homes and buildings, which require advanced HVAC systems that can be controlled remotely through smartphones and other mobile devices.

Global Air Handling Units Market: Covid-19 Impact:

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the global air handling units (AHU) market. The outbreak of the virus has led to the closure of businesses and institutions, resulting in a decline in demand for HVAC systems, including AHUs, in 2020.


The global air handling units market witnessed a decline in demand during the first half of 2020, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic resulted in a slowdown in construction activities and a decline in the demand for new buildings, which had a direct impact on the demand for AHUs. The lockdown measures implemented in several countries also affected the supply chain, leading to delays in the delivery of AHUs and other HVAC equipment.



Global Air Handling Units Market: Growth Drivers

·         Increasing demand for energy-efficient HVAC systems: There is a growing demand for energy-efficient HVAC systems due to rising energy costs and increasing environmental concerns. AHUs play a critical role in energy-efficient HVAC systems by ensuring that air is circulated efficiently, resulting in lower energy consumption. The demand for air handling units is expected to increase further as governments around the world introduce regulations and incentives to encourage the adoption of energy-efficient HVAC systems.

·         Rising focus on improving indoor air quality: The importance of indoor air quality (IAQ) has become increasingly apparent in recent years. Poor IAQ can have a significant impact on the health and productivity of building occupants, and there is a growing awareness of the need for proper air filtration and ventilation systems to improve IAQ. AHUs are a critical component of HVAC systems that can help to improve IAQ by providing efficient air filtration and ventilation.

·         Increasing adoption of smart homes and buildings: The adoption of smart homes and buildings is on the rise, driven by the increasing availability of connected devices and the growing demand for remote monitoring and control of building systems. AHUs can be integrated into smart HVAC systems, allowing for remote monitoring and control through smartphones and other mobile devices. This trend is expected to drive the demand for AHUs that can be controlled remotely and integrated into smart building systems.

·         Growing construction activities in emerging economies: The construction industry in emerging economies is experiencing significant growth, particularly in countries such as China and India. This growth is being driven by increasing urbanization and the need for new buildings and infrastructure. The demand for AHUs is expected to increase in these regions as new buildings are constructed and existing buildings are renovated to meet modern energy efficiency and IAQ standards.

Global Air Handling Units Market: Restraining factors:

·         High installation and maintenance costs: AHUs are complex systems that require professional installation and regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance. The cost of installation and maintenance can be significant, which could limit the adoption of AHUs in some regions and market segments.

·         Lack of awareness and expertise: Many building owners and operators may not be aware of the benefits of AHUs or lack the expertise to design and install these systems. This could limit the demand for AHUs in some regions and market segments, particularly in developing economies.

·         Competition from alternative technologies: While AHUs are a critical component of HVAC systems, there are alternative technologies that can achieve similar results, such as ductless mini-split systems and rooftop units. The competition from these alternative technologies could limit the demand for AHUs in some market segments.

Global Air Handling Units Market:  Opportunity Factors:

·         Growth in the data center industry:The data center industry is experiencing significant growth due to the increasing demand for cloud computing and data storage. AHUs are critical components of data center HVAC systems that help to maintain optimal operating conditions, including temperature and humidity. The growth in the data center industry is expected to drive the demand for AHUs in the coming years.

·         Increasing demand for modular AHUs: Modular AHUs are gaining popularity due to their flexibility and ease of installation. Modular AHUs are pre-engineered and pre-assembled, allowing for faster and more cost-effective installation compared to traditional AHUs. The increasing demand for modular construction is expected to drive the demand for modular AHUs in the coming years.

·         Adoption of air-to-air energy recovery systems: Air-to-air energy recovery systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality. AHUs can be equipped with air-to-air energy recovery systems, which can help to recover energy from exhaust air and reduce the load on HVAC systems. The adoption of air-to-air energy recovery systems is expected to drive the demand for AHUs in the coming years.

·        Integration with building automation systems:Building automation systems (BAS) are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs. AHUs can be integrated with BAS, allowing for more efficient and automated control of HVAC systems. The integration of AHUs with BAS is expected to drive the demand for AHUs in the coming years.

Global Air Handling Units Market: Challenges:

·         Increasing competition from low-cost manufacturers: The global AHU market is highly competitive, and there is an increasing trend toward low-cost manufacturing in developing economies. This trend could lead to pricing pressure and lower profit margins for AHU manufacturers, which could limit their ability to invest in innovation and R&D.

·         Stringent regulations and standards: The HVAC industry is subject to various regulations and standards related to energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and environmental sustainability. These regulations and standards can be complex and costly to comply with, which could limit the adoption of AHUs in some regions and market segments.

·         Disruption in supply chain and logistics: The global AHU market relies on complex global supply chains and logistics networks to manufacture and distribute products. Disruptions in these networks, such as natural disasters, pandemics, or trade disputes, could lead to delays in delivery, increased costs, and lower customer satisfaction.

·         Technological obsolescence: The HVAC industry is subject to rapid technological change, with new products and solutions emerging constantly. AHU manufacturers need to invest in R&D and innovation to keep pace with these changes, and failure to do so could lead to technological obsolescence and loss of market share.


Global Air Handling Units Market: Recent Developments:

·         Barkell Ltd.: In 2020, Barkell launched a new range of air handling units called the e-cooler DX, which is designed for use in data centers and other mission-critical applications. The e-cooler DX features energy-efficient components and advanced control systems, making it ideal for use in facilities that require high levels of reliability and availability.

·         Blue Star Limited: In 2021, Blue Star announced the launch of its new range of modular air handling units, called the M-Series. The M-Series features a modular design that allows for easy customization and installation, making it ideal for use in a wide range of applications, including commercial buildings, hospitals, and data centers.

·         Carrier Global Corporation: In 2020, Carrier launched a new range of air handling units, called the WeatherExpertTM Packaged Rooftop Units. The WeatherExpertTM units are designed for use in small to medium-sized commercial buildings and feature energy-efficient components, advanced control systems, and a compact design that allows for easy installation and maintenance.

·         Ciat Group companies: In 2021, Ciat Group announced the launch of its new range of modular air handling units, called the PHOENIX range. The PHOENIX range features a modular design that allows for easy customization and installation, making it ideal for use in a wide range of applications, including commercial buildings, hospitals, and data centers. The PHOENIX range also features advanced control systems and energy-efficient components, making it an environmentally sustainable solution.

Sourabh Bhilare
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