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How to Choose the Ideal Light Distribution Type for Parking Lot Lights

Energywise Solutions
How to Choose the Ideal Light Distribution Type for Parking Lot Lights

When it comes to illuminating a parking lot effectively, the key lies in Choosing the Ideal Light Distribution Type for Parking Lot Lights. At Energywise Solutions, we understand the pivotal role that selecting the right distribution type plays in enhancing safety and aesthetics. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of various distribution patterns and provide you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision for your parking lot.

Demystifying Light Distribution

Before we plunge into the depths of distribution patterns, let’s demystify the basics. Light distribution refers to how the emitted light from a fixture spreads across a designated area. To choose the right distribution type, you need to consider the fixture’s height, the spacing between fixtures, and the desired level of brightness.

How Distribution Patterns Work

Type I Distribution: The Narrow Focus

Type I distribution casts a slender beam of light, making it the ideal choice for pathways, walkways, and compact parking lots. It excels in minimizing light spillage, a key consideration in reducing light pollution.

Type II Distribution: Finding Balance

Type II distribution widens the beam slightly, making it suitable for broader streets and parking areas. This pattern strikes a harmonious balance between coverage and intensity, making it a go-to for urban roads and parking lot lighting.

Type III Distribution: Embracing the Expanse

Type III distribution offers an even broader beam, perfect for illuminating sprawling parking lots and open spaces. Often seen in commercial and industrial settings, it ensures uniform light distribution over large areas.

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Energywise Solutions
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