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Food Pathogen Testing Market Analysis including Growth, Challenges & Opportunities

Food Pathogen Testing Market Analysis including Growth, Challenges & Opportunities

The global food pathogen testing market is experiencing robust growth, as highlighted in a recent report by MarketsandMarkets. In 2023, the market was valued at USD 15.1 billion, with projections indicating it will reach USD 22.7 billion by 2028, growing at a compelling CAGR of 8.4% during this period.

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Consumer Awareness and Food Safety

Growing consumer awareness of foodborne illness risks and the need for safer food is a significant driver for the increased demand in food pathogen testing services. High-profile cases of contamination and foodborne outbreaks have amplified public concerns, prompting consumers to seek transparency and assurance regarding the safety of the food they consume. Consequently, there's been a surge in demand for food pathogen testing services to meet these consumer expectations.

Stringent Regulations and Standards

Regulatory bodies and government agencies worldwide are placing greater emphasis on food safety, resulting in the enactment of stricter regulations and standards. Compliance with these stringent requirements necessitates regular testing to ensure food products meet acceptable pathogen levels. As a result, food producers, manufacturers, and retailers are increasingly turning to food pathogen testing services to adhere to these regulations and maintain compliance.

Globalization and Food Supply Chain

The globalization of the food supply chain has amplified the demand for food pathogen testing. With the import and export of food products across borders, there's an elevated risk of contamination. Robust testing measures are imperative to identify and mitigate potential pathogens, ensuring the safety and quality of food products throughout the supply chain. This has led to a growing need for food pathogen testing services to support safe international trade and maintain consumer confidence.

Campylobacter: A Key Player in Pathogen Testing

Within the pathogen type segment, Campylobacter is expected to experience robust growth during the forecasted period, with a projected growth rate of 8.6%. Campylobacter, a gram-negative bacteria, is known for its role in food contamination and illness, particularly in poultry and meat products. The consumption of raw chicken and contaminated water or unpasteurized milk is commonly associated with Campylobacter infection, leading to symptoms like bloody diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Meat & Poultry Dominance in Food Pathogen Testing

Meat and poultry lead the food type segment in the food pathogen testing market. The meat and poultry industry, which encompasses various products, is highly concerned about pathogen contamination. Pathogens such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter are frequently identified in meat and poultry products. The implementation of stringent food safety procedures throughout the manufacturing and supply chain is essential to mitigate these risks.

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Asia Pacific: A Rapidly Growing Market

The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness the fastest growth in the food pathogen testing market. Factors contributing to this growth include a focus on safety standards compliance, significant food trade within the region, and strict safety regulations adopted by developed economies. China, in particular, has been revising its food safety regulations to address food contamination incidents and enhance overall food quality, safety, and hygiene practices. These efforts aim to restore public trust in the food industry and its regulatory authorities.

Prominent players in the food pathogen testing market include SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA, Bureau Veritas, Intertek Group Plc., Eurofins Scientific, ALS, JBT, TÜV NORD GROUP, AsureQuality, and others.

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