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Timms Curtains House
Awnings Gold Coast

From installing new curtains to a complete home makeover, we have it all and are always happy to help you. Our aim is to give every one of our customers the best quality service and care in every aspect of their curtain purchase and installation.

At Timms Curtain House, we are proud to offer a 6-month maintenance service and indefinite after-sales support for the installation of awnings on the Gold Coast. Unlike other profit-oriented companies, we pride ourselves on building and maintaining ongoing working relationships with our clients. As such, we provide ongoing assistance to our clients whenever an issue arises with their awnings. From assessing the situation to fixing it, our team of professionals will come swiftly to prevent longer downtime.

Awnings Gold Coast

No Gold Coast property is complete without matching curtains and blinds to complement the space. As such, for over 30 years our mission has been to provide beautiful, quality window furnishings that last a lifetime. At Timms House Curtains, we ensure to deliver solutions that address our client’s unique needs. That’s why we take the time to learn and understand our clients and their needs before providing any recommendations.

Whether you need new curtains to complete a home makeover on the Gold Coast or simply achieve better light filtration and insulation, we’ve got you covered. At Timms Curtain House, we don’t stop at the installation. We provide our clients with 6-month maintenance and after-sales service for an indefinite period. Our team will help you maximise your space. So, whether you need curtains to block out the sun, glare, or improve the airflow inside your home, we can cater for you.

It’s easy to spot a Brisbane home with custom made curtains. Aside from a limitless range of designs, other factors make custom made curtains superior to ready-made ones. These include:

Timms Curtains House
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