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How to Prevent Mold Growth After Water Damage in Hillsboro Homes?

Krishna Yadav
How to Prevent Mold Growth After Water Damage in Hillsboro Homes?

Water damage leads to mold growth, which not only ruins the look of your property but also endangers the health of your family members by causing harmful allergies and infections.

However, in this blog, we will discuss some tips to prevent mold growth in your home that will help you protect your family members from the harmful side effects of mold growth.

Tips to Prevent Mold Growth After Water Damage

↳ Act Quickly

According to the experts, mold can grow within 24 to 48 hours after water damage. So you need to act quickly during this time. Start removing the water immediately if the damaged area is small. But for bigger areas, you will need to call the professionals.

↳ Remove Excess Water

The longer the water stays in your home, the greater the chances of mold growth. So, to prevent this, start by removing the excess water from the water-damaged area.

You can rent an industrial shop vac with a 55-gallon capacity for this. Just put the nozzle on the water-logged area and wait for it to deplete. Empty the canister when it gets full and repeat the process until there is no standing water left.

↳ Get Rid of Soaked Items

Items that retain water are prime sources of mold growth. That’s why it’s best to scrap the water-logged items like carpets, rugs, upholstery, and clothes. While removing carpets can be difficult, you will need to do so quickly if water has reached the carpet padding.

↳ Use a dehumidifier

Even after you remove the water from your property, the remaining moisture can still lead to mold growth. So, after getting rid of water-logged items, you should remove the excess humidity from your property.

To do this, rent a dehumidifier from your nearest Home Depot and let it run uninterrupted for 2-3 days. It will drain the moisture from the room and reduce the chances of mold growth.

↳ Clean all Surfaces

Next, you should sanitize all the hard surfaces in your home to stop any surviving mold spores in their tracks.  Use a store-bought disinfectant or a homemade cleaning solution of white vinegar and water to do that.

Spray the solution on the floor, wall, and other surfaces and let it sit for a while. Rinse with a small amount of water and dry immediately.

↳ Call the Experts

Mold growth is a serious issue that you shouldn’t ignore. So, after the clean-up, if you notice a musty smell on your property, it can be due to mold growing somewhere you can’t reach.

If this is the case, immediately contact the PNW Restoration Service professionals in Hillsboro. Their trained experts will thoroughly inspect your home for mold and remove it immediately, preventing any harm and damage to your family’s health.

Summing Up

Water damage increases the chances of mold growth and all the health risks that come with it. The best way to prevent it is to act quickly and get rid of excess water and humidity. Then, you can disinfect all the surfaces and call in the experts to eliminate the possibility of mold growth.

Krishna Yadav
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