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Shams Power: Solar Energy System

Shams Power LTD
Shams Power: Solar Energy System

Is Solar Energy System a Reliable Source of Energy in Pakistan For Industries and Homeowners?

Pakistan, like many other developing countries, mainly relies on traditional fossil fuels to meet its energy requirements. This dependency results in huge power shortage problems affecting all sectors of the economy.

Thankfully, solar energy offers an alternative source of electricity. Using photovoltaic cells, it converts sunlight into electric current. It also uses thermal systems to generate heat.


The cost of solar energy systems in Pakistan has been decreasing as technology advances. They are a great option for businesses that want to cut their electricity bills. Solar power is an alternative to traditional fossil fuels, which produce air pollution and greenhouse gases. These systems also reduce water use, which is important for a country like Pakistan.

The reliance on fossil fuels has led to many environmental problems, including global warming and irregular weather patterns. This has also put a strain on the natural resources of Pakistan. It is essential to adopt renewable energy sources to overcome the current energy crisis in the country.

Solar systems can help develop small-scale industries in Pakistan by saving utility overheads and providing low-cost energy. Moreover, they can help reduce COVID-19 risks by minimizing the dependency on imported oil. In addition, these systems can be used in rural areas without access to grid electricity. Moreover, they can provide long-term energy security and increase profitability for small industries.


Pakistan is a country with enormous solar potential. Its geographical location enables it to take advantage of global sunlight throughout the year. The sun provides energy that can be converted into electricity in two ways: through photovoltaics (PV) and concentrated solar power. The government has set lofty targets to provide 30% of the nation’s energy needs through renewable technologies by 2030.

Energy shortages in Pakistan are a major problem, as the traditional grid structure is unable to meet the current demand. Moreover, the transmission and distribution network has high losses. Solar energy can solve this issue by providing a cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternative to traditional electricity sources.

Another advantage of solar energy is that it is inexhaustible. Sunshine is the main source of energy for this technology, which does not pollute the environment. This energy also helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels, which are becoming increasingly scarce. The Pakistani government can promote the use of this technology by establishing incentives for local developers and encouraging more research activities.

Energy independence

Pakistan can achieve energy independence by reducing its consumption of fossil fuels and investing in renewable energy sources. This will reduce its vulnerability to climate change and increase energy stability worldwide. It will also improve the quality of life in the country by lowering electricity prices.

While the initial investment in a solar power system may seem high, it will pay off over time. It will also help reduce erratic power supply from the grid, which is a major concern for industries in Pakistan.

With a thriving solar industry, Pakistan has the potential to meet its energy needs and overcome current problems. However, several barriers exist that prevent its full development. These include limited access to data and slow project development. The government should also introduce new policies to address these obstacles and promote solar energy. For example, it should offer tax breaks and subsidies to encourage businesses to invest in solar energy. The implementation of these policies will boost the adoption of solar energy in Pakistan.

Energy security

The demand for solar energy is growing worldwide due to its many advantages. It is a clean and renewable energy source that produces no greenhouse gases or air pollutants during power production. It also offers a wide range of benefits for commercial consumers. In Pakistan, a 3kW on-grid system typically costs PKR 500,000 to PKR 700,000. The price includes solar panels, inverters, mounting structures, wiring, taxes, and professional installation.

The energy crisis in Pakistan can be solved by efficiently using its intrinsic resources, such as solar and wind. However, the country faces numerous barriers that need to be addressed to achieve its energy goals. These include a lack of solidifying renewable energy policy and a shaky transmission infrastructure.

It is important to hire a local, seasoned installer with proven expertise in Pakistani solar projects. A good installer will help avoid common mistakes, such as bait-and-switch pricing, fake licensing and certificates, and absconding with down payments.

Shams Power LTD
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